Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Friday the 13th


First, I have to show off a couple of photos of Miss Sabrina.  The first 2 I took to include with a thank you note to my cousin for the dress and toy but they are cute and I know you all need your Sabrina fix.



These 2 I am posting for Aunt Rusty.  Aunt Rusty bought Sabrina a bunch of outfits – each of them had a matching hat.  I thought I would show off Sabrina modeling her hat for Aunt Rusty this morning.




We leave in less than 12 hours for our annual beach vacation.  It snuck up on me this year.  Every year we rent a big house at the Outer Banks with a group of Steve’s childhood friends for a week.  This year, with the addition of Sabrina, the children officially out number the adults (oh yes, they are a fertile bunch lol).  We have 9 adults and 10 children this year.  The oldest child is 8.  Sabrina will be the youngest this year.  As you can imagine, the volume level in our beach house around 4 pm is deafening.  The trip has changed over the years.  Everyone used to put the kids to bed before it was dark and we adults would spend the balance of the evening playing games and drinking.  Now, some of the kids stay up later, bedtime takes longer, we are all tired at the end of the day…yada yada, yada.  About 1/2 of the adults wind up in bed shortly after the kids do.  Very little drinking is done but we do usually manage to play a game or two each evening.   It is just a function of getting older and our growing families but it makes for a tamer trip each year.

Our house claims to have internet access.  If this is true and it isn’t dial up (Corolla is pretty shaky on technology…you have to stand on one foot in the north corner of the driveway while singing Friar Jacques to get 1 bar of cell phone reception), I will try to do a couple of posts next week.  I know there are several grandmas out there who can’t wait to see Sabrina’s cutie patootie in a swimsuit.  But if it is dial up, forget it.  So you might not hear from me until next Sunday…or you might see a post as soon as this Sunday or Monday.

I have to admit it is pretty darn exciting to have Sabrina with us this year.  Two years ago, we were actively trying to conceive and last year we had decided to adopt.  During the past 2 years, we’ve imagined it was our last year without a child with us.  We would take a nap and say “we better enjoy this now, because next year…” or I would lounge around reading a book and say “I won’t be able to do this when a little one comes along…”.  We finally are making the trip to the beach as a family.  That’s pretty damn cool.

posted under family, travel
4 Comments to

“Friday the 13th”

  1. On July 13th, 2007 at 9:12 am Andrea Says:

    I LOVE the hat picture. Even though she’s not in Ham Mode, her full body smile is still in tact. Cute dresses, cute cute cute girl.

    Have a wonderful time at the beach! I am dying to see her in a swimsuit too! Can’t wait to see the pictures!!!

  2. On July 13th, 2007 at 9:14 am Lori Says:

    So very cool!!!

    And the Devine Miss S….super model!! So cute!!

  3. On July 13th, 2007 at 9:18 am Julie P Says:

    YEAH – have fun on your first FAMILY vacation. Enjoy, treasure, and smile, but try not to get sunburned! I love the OuterBanks. And its nice to see Sabrina hamming it up again, gosh her smile is infectious!
    Safe travels.

  4. On July 13th, 2007 at 9:36 am mama k Says:

    Enjoy you first official family vacation!
    I love Corolla. I used to take annual vacas in OBX with college friends.