Things Blissdom ’08 taught me
Edited to add: Blissdom 08 was a blogging conference hosted by Blissfully Domestic. The lovely bloggers speaking talked about marketing, making money, branding, etc – it was all about how to maximize your blogging efforts if you are looking to take blogging to the next level. It was born after BlogHer cancelled their Nashville stop.
* Despite my tendency to not act like a “normal” girl, I do have girlie moments as evidenced by my husband suggesting that my outfit would be fine with different pants and the resulting meltdown over my not having any other pants that fit my post-partum ass self and my rejection of the suggestion that we go buy some because I don’t want to acknowledge that this current body of mine might be sticking around long enough to make purchases for it. That was the longest run on sentence in the history of sentences.
* I’m breaking all of the rules for successful blogging and not in a cool rebel kind of way – more of a clueless doofus kind of way.
* Keep it short. Ha. See above for longest sentence ever. I’m incapable of keeping it short.
* Twitter. I’ve been ignoring it despite everyone talking about it. I jumped. I have no idea if I will use it much or not but you can find me as MichelleSmiles on Twitter. So what – email is too slow now? But all of the cool kids at Blissdom 08 love it so I’ll give it a try.
* People who make money at this gig work hard to do so. Really hard.
* Remember to respect the brand – don’t think of yourself as “just” a mommy blogger. You have the power to communicate to an audience. Don’t underestimate the value of that power. (“Because I’m strong enough and smart enough and dog-gone-it people like me.” Sorry…channeling Stuart Smiley for a moment there.)
* I don’t blog to make money (good thing considering I don’t). I don’t want to turn my blog into a job or obligation. I blog because it lets me connect with all of you on days when I might not leave the House of Poop and Whine. It is cathartic and fun. But I like hearing what others are doing – maybe some day I’ll have an idea for another kind of blogging gig where I might make a buck or two. And if not, I still get to meet all of these great blogging queens.
* I have a girl crush on Megan after hearing her talk all day. She acts out loud like I do in my head. Love her. Yet didn’t speak to her – I’m a dork.
* Swag bags rock! Does anyone know what to do with a soap nut? Now that I know they didn’t put turds in my swag bag I’m trying to figure out what to do with them.
* My husband and children can survive 9 hours without me. My blouse, however, doesn’t fair as well when I go that long without nursing.
* Epson made it possible for this fabulous free event. They sent some of the Epson Artisan 800 printers to the event so pictures were being printed all day long. I have to tell you that the pictures were great! And it prints 8x10s – not just the little 4×6.