I have been feeling pretty anxiety free about this whole adoption process since our referral. Last night changed that. There are some things happening in Guatemala right now which are causing me great anxiety. I don’t have enough information to share on that topic so I am choosing to not worry about it today. I will instead go on and on and on about my general anxiety over actually becoming a mother. There are so many things I am clueless about.
The snot sucker thing. Does it work? How far do you put it up there? I don’t want to start sucking out brain fluid.
Burping. At what age do you stop burping?
Feeding. When do you start introducing rice cereal? What about baby food? I read something on a message board yesterday about not introducing peanut butter until age 3? I didn’t know that – they need to put warning labels on that stuff
Bumpers in the crib. Oh I’ve heard long, passionate debates on this issue. I don’t know what to think about this. They either smother your child or stop her from being scarred for life by getting an arm or leg stuck between the rungs – jury seems to be out on that one.
Strollers. I thought I had one picked out. I test drove it, read the reviews, it folded compactly, good brand, cute to look at – it was a winner. Then we saw another one somewhere. I test drove it, it folded with one hand like a dream, had a bigger storage basket underneath, cup holders for mommy, and was ½ the price of the first one. I love the folding and unfolding with one hand feature – the other one challenged me with 2 hands (might be a learning curve). It is much bulkier when folded and not very cute. I can only find it at 2 stores. I have no idea why but everyone else only sells it in the tandem model. But it is ½ the price and folds with 1 hand! And if I can lower my principles and make myself buy it at Wally World I can actually get it for 1/3 the price of the first one I looked at.
Car seats. Don’t even want to talk about them. They scare me – too many options and I have no idea how to install one.
Bottles. I thought this one would be easy. A bottle is a bottle, right? WRONG! There are bottle systems, nipple sizes, shapes to consider, disposable liners, and on and on. I thought they were all pretty much the same. I was just going to buy some cute ones.
Highchairs. Again something I didn’t think would be controversial. It’s a chair you feed your child in. But moms have discussed hating their highchairs with a vengeance. Huh. I was thinking about getting this one because I liked the looks of it and it got good reviews. It’s wooden with a plastic tray. What if that is one of the hated ones? I just don’t know anymore.
Diapers. Not a pleasant subject but a huge part of life with a baby. I have friends who use cloth and swear by them. They promise it isn’t more work and they actually have fewer leaks with cloth than disposable. They say it saves them money in the long run too. I admit to being skeptical but I would be willing to consider it. Then there are all of the disposable diapers – name brand, generic. Everyone has a favorite. I don’t even know how they size those suckers. And if she is used to disposable, would she freak out if I decided to try cloth? Not that I am ready to commit to anything…I just don’t know if I should research. Plus cloth sounds kind of icky…
Registry. I thought I would go to Target and BRU to register. (I’ve already gone on long tangents about my hatred of baby showers…I’ll just keep moving today.) But then I discovered this “My Registry” thing. You can pick any item you like from any store’s website and it stores it all on ONE registry on line. So if I want to register for this cool diaper bag, this slick high chair, this cheaper stroller, or this more expensive stroller, and this latin doll – it will all be in one place. I love that idea. But my question is – will everyone else love it? Not everyone enjoys online shopping. Not everyone is comfortable with the web. So, what’s the verdict? Cool, convenient, and nifty? Or intimidating, confusing, and tacky?
So wise internet, this is your opportunity to freely offer advice on the above topics. Feel free to offer your opinion or favorite product or most hated product.