Outdoor pursuits
Like much of the country, we had little in the way of winter around here. We’ve been enjoying this early spring weather…but we fear what summer might bring as a bitch slap for the mild winter. So we will enjoy the outdoors while we can. This beautiful weekend was begging for some outdoor fun. Saturday we took a little road trip on the back roads of TN. Sabrina started to get a little car sick so we stopped at a church in the middle of no where to let the girls get out and get some fresh air. (The first one is just a gorgeous photo of my child that I wanted to share. I took it before we left.)
Such kids. Where are my babies?
Sunday the girls wanted to ride their scooters. And their bikes. And Sabrina tried out the roller skates I picked up for her at a consignment sale. She did much better on the skates than I thought she would. Tessa was mad I didn’t have skates for her so we let her try Sabrina’s big girl bike. Child has no fear and was zipping around the cul de sac with my hand hovering near her back in case she leaned too far in one direction.
As cute as they are, it’s sad that they look so grown up now! Reese isn’t really into his bike either, but did ask about it the other day….now I have to fish it from the basement….or wait until Daddy comes home.
Glad Steve is home full time and everyone is re-adjusting. At this point, if Joe was home every night this family wouldn’t know what to do!! I like your ending better 🙂
WOW!! You are doing awesome with your food boxes. Still not sure my kids would consider them….they really don’t go outside their comfort zone and aren’t easily fooled! Glad you are making progress.
That first photo of Sabrina is gorgeous! Love her eyes!!!
And outdoor time this spring has been so nice (even up here). I can’t wait to get all the bikes out again!
All our kids are getting SO ‘leggy’ aren’t they? Seems like they grow an inch in their sleep every night.
Call me weird (for so many reasons!) but I used to enjoy walking through cemetaries, reading the head stones, looking at flowers, etc. Wouldn’t attempt it with my little chatterbox now.
Such great, joyful photos! I love it. Happy spring! -kate
The first photo is SERIOUSLY gorgeous, but who told her she could grow up so much?