Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

I just want to point out 2 things


First…Daddy dressed our little hillbilly this morning. Apparently moving to the south has made him favor the redneck look.


This picture cracks my ass up.


The second thing I want to point out is that she could obviously feed herself if she wanted to.

Exhibit A – part of a Papa John’s coupon going in her mouth:


Exhibit B – Her ball would be in her mouth if it fit:


posted under family
5 Comments to

“I just want to point out 2 things”

  1. On August 19th, 2007 at 7:46 am Alleen Says:

    HAHAHAHA! I’m loving it!!! I guess he figured it was hot, so no need for a tshirt under the overalls. And the off-the-shoulder touch is soooooooooooo South. She’d be cute in anything, that’s for sure.

  2. On August 19th, 2007 at 8:27 am Amy Says:

    The second picture is hilarious. She looks like she is nursing a hangover. Perhaps it is time to change your hiding place for your flask. If y’all is her first word your in trouble!!!!

  3. On August 20th, 2007 at 6:05 am Bobbi Says:

    So, now we know Daddy’s sense of style! Joe is color blind. NEVER a good thing when he dresses the kids.

    I kind of like the hill-billy look! Though the pretty dresses really are more her! It wouldn’t matter what she wore, she is adorable!

    Still not feeding herself? HMMMM Maybe the Papa John’s coupon has filled her up. Lots of fiber in the coupons. OR, maybe you could just leave pieces of food all over the floor……

    I think of your comment about the picky mother-in-law all the time. I swear Reese finds EVERY piece of dirt there is in this house. THEN, he tastes it to see if he apporoves. I’ve given up. I hear dirt is good for the eyes!

  4. On August 20th, 2007 at 7:39 am Julie Lussier Says:

    OKay that 2nd picture cracks me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What a ‘tude.

  5. On August 20th, 2007 at 9:23 am starfish Says:

    That picture is hilarious. It’s like she’s saying “go ahead, say something about this outfit, I dare you”.

    Seamonkey is just starting to self feed – it makes a hell of a mess! We started with those gerber puffs – he learned to put those in his mouth pretty quickly – now he’s started to grab the spoon. I say put her in the highchair with little or no clothes on, a mat on the floor, some food and see what she does!