Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Show mommy how a piggy eats*


(*Another obvious movie quote if you are from my generation)

For those following along with the saga of Tessa’s weight, we went for a weight check this week.  In February, she hasn’t gained enough to satisfy the doctor since our prior visit.  He sent us for a cystic fibrosis test (negative).  In March, she had actually lost 4 ounces from our February visit.  He did a panel of blood work and it all came back clean.  This month, she was up 1lb 3oz from our March visit.  He decided that coupled with the blood work would allow him to stand down the alarms about her weight for the moment.  We must remain vigilant (downgraded to code yellow?) and keep up our efforts to keep her gaining weight.

She loves to feed herself but does much better w/a fork and items she can stab.  Scooping with the spoon wasn’t working for her on this bowl of mashed potatoes.


That’s my girl



posted under family
7 Comments to

“Show mommy how a piggy eats*”

  1. On April 8th, 2010 at 4:13 am Julie P Says:

    The weight thing can be so stressful. Glad to know the doctor is no longer concerned about other issues. These pictures are a riot. I can just see the last one in her high school yearbook!

  2. On April 8th, 2010 at 4:57 am Becky Says:

    What are her weight and height now? Sometimes I feel as if doctors obsess needlessly about things. She does not appear emmaciated or anything, so why be the alarmist (the Dr)? See she just put on over a pound! Yea! I bet she’s like Tabi and burns off calories as quickly as she takes them in.

  3. On April 8th, 2010 at 6:02 am MamaGames Says:

    Yay! Glad to hear you’re back down, at least to Code Yellow. ~grin~ Obviously she gets great pleasure from eating… at least from eating mashed potatoes with her FACE. 😀

  4. On April 8th, 2010 at 5:15 pm Alleen Says:

    I agree with Becky that she doesn’t appear to be skin and bones. But, I guess the dr. must be concerned…

    yahooooo that she gained over a lb!

  5. On April 8th, 2010 at 6:57 pm Rusty Gerber Says:

    2 freakin cute!!!! I think she’s growin alot!!!

  6. On April 9th, 2010 at 7:20 am Bobbi Says:

    you show them Tessa!!!! Way to go on the gaining weight. Geez, I wish the Dr wanted mne to gain weight!! SHe is going to be one of those girls that can eat what she wants, when she wants!!

  7. On April 9th, 2010 at 11:30 am Tina Says:

    I know, I know . . . Christmas Story! The eat like a piggy line.