Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.



dsc09505I’m amazed at how little thought was given to outside living in the area where we live.  This is my front porch.  Yes, the whole thing.  Out back we have a 5’x8′ slab of concrete that is in direct sun from noon until sunset so it is unuseable for much of the year.

We had declared the front porch unuseable when we moved in but Sabrina wants to be outside all of the time now.  In front of the porch is a planting area about the same size as the porch.  Into it the builders crammed 5 azaleas (2 of which died last year- which allowed me to plant my herbs), an evergreen bush seen at the end in this photo, 2 bushes I can’t name, and the monster that is right in front of the chair.  I don’t know why they couldn’t see beyond year 1 when they crammed all of that into this little patch of dirt but it is all cramped and crowded and overgrown.  My leases says I can’t make any permanent changes so I haven’t removed anything that is still alive.  In order to fit a chair on my little porch, I had to hack away at the monster bush for days.  But I finally managed to clear away enough to put a chair out and sit so Sabrina can play outside without all of us frying.

dsc09966This success led to Sabrina and Tessa both having their first popsicles.  Sabrina was a big fan. Tessa was less sure what she thought.  And by the way – the slow melt popsicles really do melt more slowly but they are made with some gelatin so the texture is a little weird.


If you are on Facebook with me, you already heard me lamenting my inability to get a decent photo of the girls in their big sister/little sister shirts.  I took 67 photos yesterday.  These are the 2 best.



And that is why I don’t take them to a portrait studio to get professional photos done at this age.

posted under family, nashville
6 Comments to


  1. On June 4th, 2009 at 8:48 am nora Says:

    I am so there. Although I have better luck at the photo studio, if I just don’t stress about it and the photos are cheap – which is why I keep returning to Babies R’ Us and the Kiddi Kandids (stupid name) studio inside Babies R’ Us. They are stock photos, but the three ladies usually get the girls to look in the same direction.

    BTW: We are banned from the Target studio by our house because Amalia threw up on the white cloth, Cecilia pooped (really stinky – the kid could clear out a truck stop) and Julia would only look the other direction… in less than 10 minutes of getting in the door.

  2. On June 4th, 2009 at 9:56 am carla Says:

    we havent done photostudio either.
    and no real reason (ok Im cheap that way) but I LOVE the home candids so much more.
    the personalities shine….

  3. On June 5th, 2009 at 7:13 am Rhonda Says:

    We are so right there with you and almost fell over when the preschool pictures turned out ok! Love the popscicle shots, a true sign of summer!

  4. On June 5th, 2009 at 7:54 am Julie P Says:

    Its getting really hard to get Ally to smile for the camera. Its so typical, that now that we can actually communicate with our kids – so they understand what “look at the camera and smile” means they refuse to do it. I guess we should get ready now for what the future holds!
    Gosh – the shirts are cute and that last picture is so Sabrina smiling!
    Bummer about the outdoor shade space. Yummy popsicles!

  5. On June 5th, 2009 at 10:14 am Burgh Baby Says:

    The thing with pro photos is that it’s a two man operation. You get to focus entirely on trying to get the kids to look up and smile, while someone else is in charge of clicking that button. I get WAY more happy Alexis looking at the camera photos when we go somewhere. WAY WAY WAY more. The little shnick will even pose for other people, while the only pose she does for me is the one where she hides her face in her shoulder and gives me the middle finger. Or something like that.

  6. On June 8th, 2009 at 4:20 pm Kerry Says:

    Even though I am sure it is not what you intended, I love that last picture of Sabrina (with Tessa looking on).

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