Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.



There are a few things that I think must be hard wired in little girls.

The first is “MINE!”  I am sure that isn’t just little girls – it is all toddlers.  But where do they learn it?  Sabrina spends limited amounts of time with other children and I am always present.  I don’t think I’ve ever heard a child say “MINE!” in her presence.  Steve and I certainly don’t hug possessions to our chests and yell “MINE!”  Yet Sabrina has recently learned to snatch things out of our reach and declare “MINE!”

The second is the screech.  I don’t mean any ordinary screech.  I mean the ear-bleeding, shiver-down-the-spine, ice-pick-through-the-eye variety.  She has never heard another creature make a noise like that and yet she started doing it several months ago.  And it keeps getting worse, louder, and more frequent.  She has the most infectious laugh but these days tends to screech instead.  I can hardly be in the same room when Steve plays with her in the evenings because that sound makes me want to put sharp objects in my ears.  But when she giggles there is no better sound in the world.  Amazing they both come out of the same small child and both are a result of joy.


I loved reading all of the opinions on the last post.  Interesting to hear what everyone thinks. And Steve, of course, liked seeing the positive feedback on the new design.

A little Sabrina cuteness:

And I caught a smile with the camera but I was only about 4 inches away from her face at the time:

posted under parenting
14 Comments to


  1. On September 25th, 2008 at 11:57 am Kelly Says:

    Girl, my daughter has had that scream since she was about 6 mos old. My hubby says that she better use the screech like Mariah Carey does when she gets older b/c is something constructive doesnt come out of it she’ll be in big trouble. Seriously, Anna can really make your ears feel like they are going to bleed….we had to get our son ear protection for the car. Its BAD!

    Cute pics!!! Love the new layout!

  2. On September 25th, 2008 at 12:18 pm Jessica Says:

    Our DS just started the MINE thing last week… Unlike yours, he is in daycare so I just assumed it came from there… Maybe it is more of an age thing?!?!? BTW love the new look… Great job Steve!

  3. On September 25th, 2008 at 12:27 pm Alleen Says:

    Ah yes, the screeching. Lovely, isn’t it?!! I’ve gotten some looks that could kill when she’s done that in public. As if I could have prevented it.

    And I’m with you, Gabriella suddenly started saying “Mine!” before she really spent time with other kids. Let me tell you though…. Now, that she’s in school, aye yay, it’s gotten 100 times worse, especially right after she gets home. She’s in full-blown “Mine, mine, mine” mode for a while. Makes me insane.

  4. On September 25th, 2008 at 12:35 pm Kim Says:

    It’s not just a girl thing. Emerson does it too. Even better Emerson and Lilly have taught Lucas to do it. Now I have three that will screech at each other for fun. The screeching is enough to drive you crazy, but the laughs between the screeches make the world better. Lilly and Emerson are definately in the mine stage too, which only antagonizes Lucas who is in the taking stage. He loves to take things and watch them scream.

  5. On September 25th, 2008 at 1:11 pm Farrah Says:

    Madisyn has been in the MINE stage…”Thanks to Max & Ruby”. It has been here for about 6 months and aint going anywhere anytime soon.

    And the Screeching, This has started too mostly while sitting in her room in Time Out. she tends to Screech when she hears us laughing or something and she doesn’t want us too…Yeah I’m serious.

    The joys of toddler hood….And that precious Tessa smile is Contagious as well…

  6. On September 25th, 2008 at 1:20 pm karen Says:

    That screech – yikes. I could not believe that sound came out of the petite little girl that is The Boy’s good friend. He definitely does not make that sound.

    He didn’t ever do “Mine!” either. Maybe because he was an only child? Who knows – he may have done it at daycare!

  7. On September 25th, 2008 at 1:31 pm Bobbi Says:

    Gotta love the mine stage. Krista used to say, “HEY THAT’S MINE!!” more times a day than she said Mama!! My Mom was teaching Reese mine the other day. I told her that he didn’t need any help with it! Thanks

    I have learned that not only can little girls can schreech, boys can too. Joe said the other day he can’t wait for Reese’s voice to change!!!

    Love that little baby smile. SHe is beautiful

  8. On September 25th, 2008 at 1:32 pm Katie Says:

    Oh wait till you have them both doing the screeching… my boys like to run in circles and screech, makes me want to run and hide.

  9. On September 25th, 2008 at 9:26 pm Samantha Says:

    jules does it too. i freaking HATE it.
    julian has started in with “watch me” every 3 seconds. oy.

  10. On September 25th, 2008 at 9:42 pm Andrea Says:

    K. does that when he’s mad. And it makes me want to poke sharp things in my eyeballs, too.

  11. On September 25th, 2008 at 10:52 pm Rhonda Says:

    The first time I heard the screech out of Amelia, was when she got her first shots at the doctor. Me and her Mom looked at each other and could not believe that noise came out of such a little body. Occasionally, that screech comes out and my ear drum feels like it is going to explode.
    Amelia does the MINE thing too. She does it when my niece comes to her house to play. I will explain that Grace lets her play with her toys and she has to share her toys with Grace. After a little talk, she’s OK.

  12. On September 26th, 2008 at 6:28 am tonya Says:

    I do that with chocolate and alcohol. MINE!

  13. On September 26th, 2008 at 10:06 am Amy Says:

    That smile is precious. And those eyes are mischevious.

    Emily didn’t necessarily do the “MINE” thing but if Mike or I were playing with her and picked up a toy, no matter what she was doing or playing with at the time, she came over to us to retrieve it. Perhaps Beana is pulling rank with Tessa, just in case there is ever any question.

    Emily had that screech for awhile (props to both of us for never uttering, “Let’s use our indoor voices”.) The screech is gone and her laugh is adorable and infectious BUT she has started doing this impression of Sponge Bob Square Pants when he laughs. It kind of sounds like Pee Wee Herman, an octave higher and in fast motion, like a ferret after a double espresso. It is loud and random and on more than one occasion has scared me half to death because I am folding clothes and do not hear her come into the laundry room and then all of a sudden…..Aaaaa.

  14. On September 29th, 2008 at 3:03 pm Mary Ann Says:

    Awwwww! They are so adorable!

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