Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Bits and Pieces


Blogging gets the last tiny shred of my attention so bare with me while I continue to figure this whole mommy-of-two thing out.  I am still so tired I drool a lot shouldn’t be operating heavy machinery.  Some days, like today, I think about throwing in the towel on this whole nursing business because it feels like more than I can juggle – then I make it through another day and keep plugging along.  I’m all about the “One Day At a Time” principle (the AA thing, not the 70’s sitcom starring Valerie Bertinelli) right now.


My big news for the weekend is both Steve and I managed to get new glasses with 2 children in tow.  I’m really rather sad that new eye glasses now constitute big news in my life.


I lied.  The really big news this weekend is that I finally got that margarita I’ve been talking about for 37 10 months.  It was yummy.  I could have easily drank several more but it would have gotten messy because my tolerance is at negative 2.


Sabrina’s car is in the garage.  Unfortunately, it is still disassembled in the box.  Things like sleep, eyeglasses, mommy’s margarita, and mowing the grass took precedence this weekend.


Speaking of her new car, why does EVERY SINGLE CHILDREN’S TOY have to play music these days?  The car plays “6 tunes” (in theory because we will not put batteries in it).  When I complained, the salesperson said he was pretty sure they all played music now.  Obviously kids love the car without music – why must they add extra noise?  My mother in law got Sabrina a wooden puzzle for her birthday – even it plays sounds!


We’ve decided Sabrina is old enough this year to pimp her out for some free candy to take her trick or treating.  Am I the only parent unwilling to spend $40 or $50 for a costume she will wear for an hour or 2?  I’ve been looking on Ebay but the bids are outrageous.  I didn’t find any toddler costumes at Target – maybe I need to check out the evil Wally World?


I am sick so I’m going to whine briefly.  I woke up with a headache and feeling achy but chalked it up to being almost 36 and having a newborn keep me up through the night.  But within a couple of hours, I developed a fever of 102.4.  I see my doctor tomorrow for a post c-section check up so if it is mastitis she should be able to help me out.  But I don’t have any symptoms of anything – just the fever and general crappy feeling that accompanies a fever.

Back to my couch.  Is it wrong that I am using my infant as a heat source by letting her sleep on my chest?  Let’s hope the stars align for the first time and I can nap while Sabrina does.

posted under Misc.
26 Comments to

“Bits and Pieces”

  1. On September 8th, 2008 at 11:24 am laura k. Says:

    i totally agree with you about the halloween costumes – i refuse to pay that much for an outfit that they will only wear for a few hours! i found 2 really nice ones for $2 each on craigslist in my town. they are great – and cheap! it has been a while since i commented on your blog, but i read it daily! tessa is adorable and sabrina is turning into a very beautiful girl! i love her smile! hope you feel better soon!

  2. On September 8th, 2008 at 11:43 am JUlia Says:

    love you humor – love you 🙂

    I hope you feel better soon – and it does eventually get better;)
    So glad you got to have a drink and I know you savored it;)

    Hope you get a nap at Sabrina’s nap time:)

  3. On September 8th, 2008 at 12:37 pm Laurie Says:

    The breastfeeding gets better. I never thought I’d say that as the beginning was really rough here. But it does.

    I hear ya on the Halloween costumes. I’m wondering if Theo can fit into his from last year? I haven’t even bought Claudia one. How bad is that? It’s always so cold here that they have to wear jackets over it, or lots of layers under it, so it seems so pointless.

    Hope you feel better.

  4. On September 8th, 2008 at 1:33 pm Kim Says:

    I second that the breastfeeding gets better. When I started my goal was to make it to 6 weeks and after getting a blood blister the second night, I didn’t think it would happen especially with 2 one year olds running around. It did get better and I was sad that I strougled with it after I went back to work. I ended up making it 7 1/2 months and am happy that I stuck with it. A big bonus is that he only got sick once during that time and it wasn’t bad. I hear you on the costumes. I’m lucky enough to have a mother who is very talented at sewing and has offered to make the kids whatever they want. Yeah Grandma! We didn’t do costumes last year. They were too little for candy and I was working. This year I’m quitting my job and they get to go and have fun. Hope your day gets better.

  5. On September 8th, 2008 at 1:36 pm Burgh Baby Says:

    I hope you’re feeling better soon. You’re right though, all you can do is take things one day at a time.

    Wait a bit for costumes. Target will have them any day now, as will Wal-Mart. Plus, I realized last year that TJ Maxx and Marshalls actually get pretty good costumes in stock for a lot less money than other places.

    Good luck, and I hope you get some sleep soon!

  6. On September 8th, 2008 at 3:30 pm tonya Says:

    We bought a horsey costume for Derek. He wore it atleast 3 times. Emily wore it twice and Timothy has also worn it. We got our money out of that thing!! Atleast with the two girls..you can get a lot of wearing out of one costume.
    I feel your sicky pain. I have some sort of stomach flu. Daddy came home before lunch to help so I could live in the bathroom.
    Hope your yuck is over quick.

  7. On September 8th, 2008 at 4:14 pm Tracey Says:

    The best costumes are the ones from your imagination…how about going as a bag of jelly beans…plastic wrap around the body, filled with colored balloons!!

  8. On September 8th, 2008 at 6:02 pm Melissa Says:

    I’m impressed that you are already thinking about Halloween, and I agree with you about the costumes – they only wear them for an hour or two so I refuse to spend too much money. I also agree with you about the toys that make noise – and how smart of you to leave the batteries out! She will have just as much fun without the noise, and you will still have (some of) your sanity! Hope you feel better soon.

  9. On September 8th, 2008 at 6:40 pm kelly Says:

    Hang in there. So not fair to be sick and breastfeeding and up all night w/ a newborn…oh, and 36 on top of that!!! (maybe another margarita is in order?)

    I do spend $$ on costumes but they go in the “dress up box” and get worn a million times after halloween. So, it’s worth it (ok, not really but that is my justification for my irresponsible spending)

  10. On September 8th, 2008 at 6:55 pm Jenny Says:

    Do you have an Old Navy? We got cute ones there last year – about $25, then they go on sale the week or so before Halloween. Not cheap but not killer

  11. On September 8th, 2008 at 7:28 pm Deb Says:

    Bug is going as Diego this year- one pair of pants from his closet, one shirt from his closet and one vest from the consignment store. He is good to go. Oh, and one watch from a happy meal (Spy kids gear).

    A tthis point, he has no choice, when he gets older I think we will be shopping at the consignment stores for last year’s Halloween costumes.

    Love to you,

  12. On September 8th, 2008 at 7:41 pm Sara Says:

    Hey girl!
    Hope you feel better!
    Not that you have a lot of time to look, but as Ana and I were wandering around the Dollar Store … we found a costume. It was a fairy skirt, wings, some antlers (eek … I guess I mean antennae!), and a few other pieces I don’t remember. They were a dollar each, of course. I’m not sayin’ I bought them (i didn’t), cause I’m too cheap, and she’s not gonna remember it anyway. For picture purposes I got one of those cute Haloween outfits from Target (a bit more than the costume itself would have cost, but I got it in size 3-t so she can wear it again next year!). I’m not saying my decision was rational ot makes any sense, but that’s what I did!!! Oh the life of a single-income family … decisions, decisions!!!!!
    Anyway … if you happen to be near a dollar store .. check it out!

  13. On September 8th, 2008 at 7:51 pm Gwen Says:

    Try old navy for costumes. They are $20 and pretty cute. Then next year you can sell it on craigslist for $10 or save it for Tessa.

    Hope you get some sleep!

  14. On September 8th, 2008 at 7:55 pm Dawn from old AB Says:

    Old Navy puts their costumes on sale before Halloween. They go down to 16.00 online anyhow. I hate that every single toy plays music and/or talks.

  15. On September 8th, 2008 at 7:56 pm Dawn from old AB Says:

    Hope you feel better soon!

  16. On September 8th, 2008 at 8:00 pm Bobbi Says:

    Go to Target, in the doll section, grab a box of dress up clothes, or one of those princess dresses, and whola, costume!! I spend VERY little on Halloween. I really detest it, but that is another story…..

    Hope you feel better. THe nursing gets easier, and faster but if you choose not to continue there is nothing wrong with that either. I hope you feel better. Suck up the baby warmth! Hope you got a nap

  17. On September 8th, 2008 at 8:24 pm Alleen Says:

    I just love when you can still put some snark into your posts!!!!

    I just bought Miss G’s costume today on Amazon.com. It was $21 including shipping. Of course, they have more expensive ones too…….

  18. On September 8th, 2008 at 8:52 pm Samantha Says:

    i’ve got it.

    this was my costume a few years ago. bet it would work great for a kid!

    find a black hard headband. to each side attach a black sock. stuff the socks with minipads (or half of one of those giant maxipads, i don’t need to know).

    you now have DOG ears.

    paint on a nose, a little rascals eye and whiskers to her face.

    put her in black leotard and black pants or black shirt and pants.
    cut a circle out of white felt to make white belly and baste it onto the shirt (or if you’re lazy glue it to an old crappy shirt.

    pair of kids black gloves, cut fingers off and glue on white felt circles on palms to make ‘paws.’

    when i did it i also glued on stuffed puppies to my belly and chest to be a NURSING dog but that might be a bit much.

    OH, YOU (or even better, Steve!!) could go as the nursing dog and sabrina can go as the puppy!!

    i’d call it 15 minutes and $4. d-o-n-e.

    email me if you want me to forward you a photo.

  19. On September 8th, 2008 at 9:36 pm Priscilla Says:

    Oh M, I hope you got some sleep. Being sick and a Mommy just sucks. You don’t even get to enjoy it.

    I’m not buying a costume this year, either. I have two options in mind. If it’s warm, she’s going as Dora. I have resisted the Dora love for so long, but M just loves her, and how easy is orange shorts (thanks E.bay!) and a pink t-shirt? If it’s cold she is going to be a kitty cat – black pants/shirt and some whiskers on her face. I know she won’t wear a headband, so unless Holly can make some bows that look like cat ears, I’ll just be all “Oh, isn’t she just the cutest thing…oh my! What happened?? Did you drop your kitty cat ears headband somewhere??”.

    I did buy a lobster costume for M last year and she didn’t wear it b/c we were at my parents’ house and of course they wanted her to be a cheerleader in her LSU outfit so….if anyone would like to have a 12 month lobster costume, let me know and I’ll send it your way!

  20. On September 8th, 2008 at 10:17 pm Rhonda Says:

    I am so sorry you aren’t feeling well and I so hope you are better soon. It is tough with two little ones……….I forgot JUST HOW much. Target though is JUST starting to put out their costumes. Had to have some retail therapy after Katie going to first day of preschool ðŸ™

  21. On September 8th, 2008 at 11:03 pm Christine Says:

    Nahhh, I make my kids where their costumes over and over or they have to make up their own!

  22. On September 9th, 2008 at 7:26 am Shannon Says:

    try yard sales/ garage sales for costumes, or pieces that together would make costumes. I’m with you, $40 for a kids costume for a day is ridiculous. It’s akin (in my mind) to spending 15 thousand on your wedding dress. Just stupid.

  23. On September 9th, 2008 at 8:03 am nora Says:

    I was at Old Navy last night and thought they had some reasonably priced ones, if I thought Julia would wear it (they all have hoods and she is all about NO hoods.)

    You could dress her in a red jogging suit and glue/baste black felt dots to her, put a red sparkly headband on with antennae and she’s a lady bug.

    Or what about Once Upon a Child? – the children’s consignment store chain?

    Sorry you feel cruddy – I hope you get some rest, vitamin C and cuddle time with both your girls.

  24. On September 9th, 2008 at 8:05 pm Gibb Says:

    Yep, I’ve done the Old Navy thing too. Or look for one of those Halloween stores that pop up just for the month before…they usually have cheap costumes.

    And I’ll be the one to say that for me breast feeding did not get better. I only lasted about six weeks and I just couldn’t do it any more. Now part of the reason I stopped was because I was going back to work, but part of the reason was that it hurt and it never stopped hurting. And I was totally confined to the house. Honestly, my opinion, if it makes you miserable, stop. She will be fine and it is important for you to be sane.

  25. On September 13th, 2008 at 4:41 pm Amy Says:

    One day at a time
    Let go, Let God

    and when all else fails either make a God Box large enough to fit both Miss Bean and Miss Tessa inside OR there is always the mommy flask…

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