Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Summer living


I wish the past 3 days were a true representation of summer in TN. It has been gorgeous. Low 80’s, low humidity, sunny, pleasant, open window weather – darn near perfect even for those of us who are pregnant and nearly impossible to please.

Last night, I finally got back to my book club after a 3 month absence. I love my mommy groups but I really adore the change of pace of hanging out with women who talk about boyfriends/husbands and careers and places grown ups go and things other that which is toddler related. I had a ball sitting on the patio, coveting the glasses of wine they were all sipping, chatting about everything from my pregnancy to state capitals named after presidents (there are 4…can you name them?). I was enjoying myself so much that I sat until my ankles and calves swelled to 3 times their normal size.

And today, the ultimate hostess around these parts invited Sabrina and I for lunch. Meredith made us a lovely quiche, salad, and lemony frozen dessert. We sat in her yard under a large tree, ate our lunch, and watched the children play. Her son was quite the gentleman and played so well with the girls. And girls, one being slightly under 2 and one being a bit over 2, did surprising well despite being at non-sharing ages. It was a lovely afternoon filled with great company and yummy food. Thanks Meredith!

I took a camera but of course didn’t get it out of my purse. Here is Sabrina prior to 2 hours spent playing in the yard. She came home a little dirtier and a little tired but had a great time.

posted under nashville
8 Comments to

“Summer living”

  1. On June 19th, 2008 at 3:55 pm Julie Lussier Says:

    HOLY CRAP. Can that girl get any cuter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. On June 19th, 2008 at 4:13 pm carla Says:

    Im echoing julie.

    and saying how much I love your writing style.
    so sooooooooooooooothing to me.

    please to write a book.

  3. On June 19th, 2008 at 7:13 pm Bobbi Says:

    I am with Julie, she can’t get any cuter!!!! The look on her face, and the pony. She is too cute.

    Glad you had some nice outings. THose are nice–especially the ones where we really escape.

    I am jealous, cold and rainy here all week.

  4. On June 19th, 2008 at 9:18 pm Anne Says:

    OMG she is too cute…and looking older in every pic!

  5. On June 19th, 2008 at 9:36 pm Samantha Says:

    i am jealous…your book group sounds better than mine (too much toddler talk?) i actually spaced going last night. even after i told jon AND wrote it in my calendar. starting to like my blog friends more than i like my “real” friends. what’s up with that?

  6. On June 19th, 2008 at 9:50 pm Kecia Says:

    She looks like a little lady now, so beautiful.

  7. On June 20th, 2008 at 9:30 am Heather Says:

    She’s a cutie! Enjoy the nice weather!

  8. On June 20th, 2008 at 6:24 pm Kelly Says:

    So so so cute. Isn’t it nice that the weather is cooperating for you, preggo-girl???

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