Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

No more leftovers


Meredith recently had a post asking what readers did with left over pound cake.  My response was one of confusion.  Left over cake?  If I’m lucky enough to have left over cake in the house there usually isn’t a quandary about what to do with it.  I We eat it.  What does that have to do with anything other than my rapidly expanding butt?  I’ve found a new way to deal with left over cake.

I made a cake for a pot luck at Steve’s office last week.  It is one of his favorites in the summer and he asked if I would make one for him for Father’s Day.  It is a nice light cake for summer:  lemon cake baked according to directions, poke holes in it, pour strawberry jello (before it sets up) over the top, then top with cool whip and berries of your choice.  Easy and yummy and pretty.  (You’ll often see the strawberries and blueberries in a flag design for the 4th of July.)

Yesterday morning I opened the frig to get Sabrina some milk for breakfast and the cake came falling out.  The dish broke on our ceramic tile – cake and glass scattered all over the kitchen.  I was more upset over losing the cake than the dish.  So no guilt for me over eating left over cake and I probably burned off a few calories cleaning up the mess.


I had to laugh at Sabrina yesterday.  I have no idea what prompted it but all day long she used her dress to hold onto her shopping cart.  She wouldn’t touch it without her dress as a shield.  Perhaps she watched one of those Datelines where they go swab a bunch of surfaces and freak us all out by telling us all of the scary stuff they found.

posted under Misc.
13 Comments to

“No more leftovers”

  1. On June 17th, 2008 at 5:18 pm Soltana Says:

    Poor dish:(

    Cerah did the dress thing on the handle of her baby stroller forever..maybe they’re afraid of germs:)

    Have a great day

  2. On June 17th, 2008 at 6:41 pm Tracy Says:

    Oh, does that cake sound awesome! I’m assuming just regular lemon cake mix, and mix the jello according to the directions?

    Cute pic of Sabrina! I wish John would use his clothing to touch some of the things he touches…..most recently dog barf……….

  3. On June 17th, 2008 at 6:49 pm Michelle Says:

    For anyone else curious…let the cake cool before poking the holes. I use the end of a wooden spoon or a chop stick to poke the holes. And I make the jello with a little less water than the directions call for – directions say 2 cups, I use 1 1/2 cups. You can also use white or yellow cake – we just happen to prefer the lemon cake.

  4. On June 17th, 2008 at 7:21 pm Bobbi Says:

    I love that cake. Sorry you lost it on the floor.

    What kids do really is such a mystery…….but she is just so cute!!!

  5. On June 17th, 2008 at 8:04 pm Alleen Says:

    oh man… I probably would have uttered at least one word that my child shouldn’t have heard….. yummmy cake idea – I will have to try that one.

    She is adorable. Sometimes you’d just love to get into their heads, wouldn’t you????

  6. On June 17th, 2008 at 8:59 pm Rhonda Says:

    Sabrina is so cute, using her dress to hold the handle. One day you will be doing something, and it will dawn on you, ‘That is where she got that from’.
    I have made that cake before, but never used Lemon Cake mix. I Love Lemon, I definitly will be trying it with lemon.

  7. On June 17th, 2008 at 9:21 pm TNKerry Says:

    Sabrina just gets cuter every day!!!

  8. On June 17th, 2008 at 11:35 pm Amy Says:

    Yes, Toddler OCD, I have heard of this. Does she also engage in repetitive behavior such as opening and shutting doors or turning lights switches on and off, excessive cleaning, handwashing, counting. Don’t worry, in a couple of months the lesser known Terrible Twos Schizophrenia will kick in and you can throw away all of the rubber gloves. We are in the really rare Almost Four and Apparently Abducted by Aliens Disorder. So how is Miss Beana handling your changing appearance and the impending arrival of Secret Agent Tess B.


  9. On June 18th, 2008 at 5:06 am Cass Says:

    That is my very favorite type of cake – I would have cried if it had fallen on the floor – real tears too none of this whimper whine that you would do if you had to just clean up the mess. What a cutie that Sabrina is!

  10. On June 18th, 2008 at 7:16 am carla Says:


    I love kids and how RANDOM their brains are.

  11. On June 18th, 2008 at 10:19 am Heather Says:

    That cake looks and sounds yummy! And the pic of Sabrina is very cute!

  12. On June 18th, 2008 at 12:11 pm Vanessa Says:

    Lord, I would have lost it if that happened. Can’t believe you are making desserts for other people – amazing. Love the cake idea.

  13. On June 23rd, 2008 at 11:53 am Stephanie Says:

    That cake looks delicious – perfect for summertime!

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