Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Random Ramblings


Sabrina has long called every animal “puppy” and every puppy says “meow”. She has started acknowledging that dogs say “bow wow” and kitty cats say “meow” but only when prompted. I guess she got tired of us correcting her because she has come up with a new animal “puppy-cat” and puppy-cats say “meow”.


No question summer has arrived here in the South. It has been in the 90’s for over a week. We attended a cook-out yesterday. They had a picnic tent and a large industrial fan to cool things off but after 2 hours standing in the 90+ degree heat, my ankles were huge and it was time to go home. It was fun meeting some new people though.


Broccoli salad must not be a big hit at southern pot lucks. I took some to the cook out yesterday and it was barely touched. Up north, people scarf it up. How can anyone not love a salad with bacon in it?

I’ll make a note in my Northern to Southern Handbook.


Our lawn is bringing down the whole neighborhood. After yet another battle over billing with the lawn service we hired, we fired them. They hadn’t been here in over 2 weeks when we fired them so the weeds lawn is getting pretty long. We ran out and bought a cheap mower after calculating it would be way cheaper to mow our own lawn since the going rate for our little yard seems to be $35-40 a week. But we forgot to purchase a gas can and gas to run the mower. Yep, we are the pride of the neighborhood.


Sabrina, who shrieks during baths and whimpers during showers, had a ball playing in a sprinkler yesterday. It looked like a wide innertube with with holes poked in it – the spray was very gentle. We now need to find something like it. Any water that doesn’t cause trauma is a good thing in our world. And this pregnant momma isn’t particularly interested in going to a public swimming pool so it might provide some heat relief in our own backyard for her.


Sabrina’s latest trick is to “hurt” herself and come whining or crying to us for sympathy. She will purposely bump her elbow or act as through she has hurt her hand or leg and coming to us while cradling that body part as though it is about to fall off.


The current pregnancy obsession craving is Chunky bars. Remember those with the chocolate and raisins and peanuts? Fortunately, I have to go out of my way to find them so I only get about 1 a week which is 1 more than I need.


We’ve been trying to get outside to play in the early morning or evening before bed because it has been too hot to get out during the main part of the day. Miss Sabrina does love her little bike.


And I saw this on someone’s blog awhile ago with every intention of giving credit but I have forgotten where I swiped it from. It makes me laugh no matter where it came from.


You don’t appreciate being able to bend at the waist until you begin to lose the ability to do so. Just about everything becomes more difficult.


And just to clear up any confusion – we don’t own a Right Said Fred CD.  She turns on the radio and that station was obviously playing the 80’s at lunch.  I do own The Vault (Def Leopard’s greatest hits) without shame…great cure for those days when I look in the mirror and see nothing but a mom because it reminds me of a very different Michelle who still lurks under the mommydom somewhere.

posted under Misc.
17 Comments to

“Random Ramblings”

  1. On June 9th, 2008 at 7:51 am Julie P Says:

    Sabrina looks so cut ein her all white outfit – how do you manage to keep her so clean? Ally always has graham cracker smears or fruit drippy gunk on her clothes. Sabrina looks pristine. BTW its HOT up north too – 90s all weekend and most of this week, and that is in Boston. Good to know it was a radio station playing that music, it so made us crack up watching her dance to that song. But I am an 80’s music fan myself. Hope you’re staying cool.

  2. On June 9th, 2008 at 8:34 am april Says:

    Hi.. you don’t know me… I’m a “lurker.” lol. I came across your blog somehow (I think on american baby.com or parenting.com???) last year while you were in Guatamala and have been hooked ever since. I have a soon-to-be 3 year old daughter and alot of what you write hits so close to home! I too am pregnant (in my 28th week) so that hits close to home too! (I was so happy to see that you became pregnant!) Just had to write b/c Sabrina is too cute and her pics never fail to make me smile. My daughter too loves to see them when I log on at home! The dancing videos were too cute too. My daughter loves to do the spin and tumble. Must be a toddler thing! Anyway… just had to write! 🙂

  3. On June 9th, 2008 at 9:07 am karen Says:

    I crave the 90’s. Dang I am sick of the 60’s – and that’s the high during our days – if we’re lucky.

  4. On June 9th, 2008 at 9:17 am Krist aka BAMAGIRL Says:

    Michelle — YOU CRACK ME UP!!! Here’s hoping that Sabrina’s sibling gives you an easy delivery!! 🙂
    Much love –


  5. On June 9th, 2008 at 11:40 am TracyMichele Says:

    For the record.. this is the hottest June on record since 1985 or something? Yeah.. this is typically August weather and I am none-too-pleased. 🙂

    And next time you go to cookout, bring ME. I will eat your entire bowl of broccoli salad..in.one.sitting. I had NO idea it isn’t a hit down here. In Maine, we serve it last because otherwise the other salads would go untouched. LOL.

  6. On June 9th, 2008 at 2:04 pm stephanie Says:

    Hi Michelle! I enjoyed meeting you last week at the cookout. Your little girl is ADORABLE!

  7. On June 9th, 2008 at 3:19 pm Brenda Says:

    Broc. salad in the south..oh no no. You must bring potato salad to a good ol southern picnic.

  8. On June 9th, 2008 at 5:08 pm carla Says:

    you funny funny lady.

    with a clean neat purdy child.


  9. On June 9th, 2008 at 5:23 pm Rhonda Says:

    Oh how I love those CHUNKY candy bars…………Unfortunately they aren’t on the list for our low carb boring diet!

    Can not believe people didn’t eat the broccoli salad. HOW strange.

    We are totally melting here in VA with 3 digit temps for the past week and then we get the 90’s the weekend and next week……………..We could cook an egg on our sidewalk, it’s that stinking hot ðŸ™

  10. On June 9th, 2008 at 5:39 pm Burgh Baby Says:

    I have Right Said Fred around here somewhere if you need to borrow it. I’m not ashamed.

    The problem with broccoli salad is that it contains broccoli. That’s a Northerner kind of vegetable right there!

  11. On June 9th, 2008 at 6:35 pm Tera Says:

    Mmmmmmm…broccoli salad is WAY grubbin’. Love it. But, I’m from Minnesota (born and raised) so I guess that explains it. And, remember…southerners have been known to call mac n cheese a SALAD!! ; P

    Sabrina is adorable and she looks like such a big girl…she is starting to lose a lot of her baby looks. : ( Our babies are growing up waaaaaaaaay too fast.

    P.S. I watched the dancing/spinning videos with Emma. She loves the spinning video. I had to take a video of her watching it because her reaction is just too cute. When I get a good enough internet connection (hopefully in the next few days, I’ll post it). God bless.

  12. On June 9th, 2008 at 7:15 pm Bobbi Says:

    Broccoli salad is always a hit here too. Strange people!!!

    Love all the little tidbits about Sabrina. She is really growing up and changing.

    I LOVE chunky bars—and they are easy to find around here. What about Snickers–the ones with almonds are YUMMY!!!

  13. On June 9th, 2008 at 7:53 pm jenn Says:

    It has been hot down here…I haven’t even taken the kids outside to play since we got back from vacation because of the heat. (It’s hotter here in ATL than it was in Florida!)

  14. On June 9th, 2008 at 8:09 pm Hadyn Says:

    Love th cartoon. But – I want to take the oppt’y to assure you once again that – and epidural will save you from the temptation of the 2nd visualization. Go drugs.

  15. On June 9th, 2008 at 8:28 pm Samantha Says:

    my friend has a theory that every food is either better with bacon or better with chocolate. a few fine foods cross over. i will personally always gravitate to that which is better with bacon. then i have a double serving of bacon with it. i even have bacon band-aids.

    chunky bar? i cannot support raisins in chocolate. it’s just wrong.

    julian is doing the same thing as sabrina. bumping his head on the wall on purpose, whining, and coming over for a kiss. it’s kind of cute, the first 100 times, anyway…

    and again, if you could send some of that heat up here, would be much appreciated. it’s flipping freezing in oregon. i wore long johns today.


  16. On June 10th, 2008 at 9:17 am Lori Says:

    I love love Broccoli Salad – if it’s the salad with Craisins in it, bacon and sugard dressing! I’m from the North so it makes sense! The Southerners just need to take one bite and they will love it too!!

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