Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.



We had a lovely day here in Tennessee today. It was sunny for most of the day, breezy and in the low 70’s. We went to the spring arts festival – and surprisingly didn’t really buy much of anything. We both love those types of things and love to get something for the house when we go (feeds my pottery fetish). Today, I just bought Steve a Father’s Day gift. I don’t know if it knowing I still have so many boxes to unpack or what but even with the offer of a Mother’s Day gift if I wanted something, there wasn’t anything I felt like I would regret not picking up so I walked out with just a bag of kettle corn.

Sabrina had a ball because everyone brought his/her dog so she got to see lots of puppies. And she loves kettle corn as much as momma so a good day was had by all.

This is the first booth we saw upon arrival – it made me chuckle because it sounds so southern:


That’s Chubby Bubby’s Smokehouse if you can’t read it.

Sabrina was pulling out all of the cute today.




One more thing…I’ve been doing some browsing for a double stroller. I am looking at one that I found on super sale (because I can’t bring myself to spend $300 on a stroller). It is a Peg Perego Aria Twin – I say super sale because for that brand it is super cheap but comparatively still a little pricey. Steve says just buy it. I hate to buy it without test driving it – the site I’m looking at has good ratings from everyone but some other sites have some good and some bad…guess you can’t please everyone. Anyway – does anyone have this model or another double stroller that they love? It has to be light enough for me to get it in and out of the car by myself. And despite getting overwhelming feedback about Phil and Ted’s excellent strollers, I can’t bring myself to spend that much on a stroller. So I’m taking suggestions and here is the one I am looking at if you have any feedback.


posted under nashville
17 Comments to


  1. On May 3rd, 2008 at 7:20 pm crystal Says:

    Michelle–hey hey I have this stroller!!!! It is AWESOME!!!!! We bought it because it was light!! 🙂 I needed something I could get in and out QUICK–I take Caleb to school everyday and pick him up everyday too so we are sonstantly in and out of the car— I LOVE it but that is just me! The price is crazy I know but well worth it–just my opinion 🙂 I am so sorry I have not commented lately I have been a lousy lurker 🙁 I am following, and I am so excited about your baby girl! 🙂

  2. On May 3rd, 2008 at 7:59 pm Kim Says:

    I have a Graco Duo Glider LXI Double Stroller in Metropolitan. It’s a front back. I wanted that because I knew that a side by side wouldn’t fit around racks in a lot of stores and they could be tricky to get through doors. I can definitely see the plus to a side by side, as Lilly and Emerson love the wagon because they can interact easier. Anyway it’s a little heavy, but I would guess that all double strollers are. I don’t have any problems getting it in or out of my full size SUV. We got ours as a gift and didn’t test drive this exact one, but did lots of reading on different ones. I would love to have a triple stroller or even better a triple jogging stroller, but there’s no way I can spend that kind of money on a stroller. Good luck picking.

  3. On May 3rd, 2008 at 8:12 pm Pattie Says:

    I have this one (albeit a different color)! Got mine half price, because it was last year’s color. I love that it fits thru doorways and is REALLY light. The basket is worthless, but you can definitely hang stuff off the handles. It folds different than most, and might be bigger when folded than some others. The harness is a bit weird, in that it can “unclip” from the seat. I really wanted a 5-pt, but usually, it gets separated from the back. The mechanism to raise and lower the back is a bit “different” as well. One side of mine doesn’t work right, so the seat is always back. Overall, I like it. But, at 2.5, my oldest doesn’t really care for sitting that close to his sister all the time. And, the 13 lbs weight difference sometimes makes it awkward to push. I don’t think any stroller is perfect all of the time, so this one still meets our needs when both kids need to be “contained”. Most of the time now, we just use an umbrella for Ci.

  4. On May 3rd, 2008 at 8:13 pm Julia Says:

    I guess I will try that one next!
    Bryan and I have had the most stroller discussions lately.
    First we bought the graco duo glider because I wanted a front and back set up and one that was easy to get the infant car seat in and out of it.
    It was fine – a bit heavy and bulky – but for the first three to six months it was fine.

    So then we graduated to the side by side Combi
    tried it with both kids in it all over the BabiesRUs for hours. It steered like a champ! It seemed great!
    I guess my kids are pure hellions and that we drag it in and out of the car too much to ball games, etc.
    I now HATE it and it steers horribly!!!! It seems to be DYING-
    Only four months old and I am telling you the thing rides like it has been hit by a bus!

    We have two Maclauren (sp?) single strollers, one in each car in case we take a child solo. We LOVE them. Super light weight and a dream to steer anywhere. We have had them for a long time and they seem to handle our abuse just fine;)

    I think I may see if they make a Mac. double -or wait and see what you guys have to say about your Peg:)

    But bottom line – the dead beat Combi has GOT to go –

    So glad you guys are getting settled in and that you had some fun:)

    I have thought of you often-
    especially today – as I unpacked that LAST box – FINALLY:):):)

    Take care of you and enjoy the rest of your weekend:)


  5. On May 3rd, 2008 at 9:15 pm Samantha Says:

    ok, what the hell is going on with chubby bubby in that logo art?! i will spare your readers the detail of what it looks like on my computer but, um…hello?

    and sabrina looks beyond adorable, as usual. and now i have to make myself some popcorn.

  6. On May 3rd, 2008 at 9:16 pm Priscilla Says:

    I have the Aria single stroller, and a Mac Triumph, too. I really like them both. The recline on the Aria is kind of weird, but it has a snack tray, which the Maclaren’s don’t. Not much of an issue when they are small, but M is all about the snacks now. The Mac is easier to fold up. Nice sized basket, too. Seems a bit sturdier.

    In other words, I am no help. I bought them both as a year old model and saved a ton.

    If I were buying a double, and could get over the snack tray issue, I’d probably get the Mac double. It seems sturdier, and I think that would be important with two??

    I’ll do a little ride test next week on our brick sidewalks – Aria one day and the Triumph and get back to you. 🙂

  7. On May 3rd, 2008 at 9:28 pm Muriel Elrod Says:


    This is the one we got. i love it because you can flip the seats arpound so the kids can face eachother or face out. Also the storage is awesome. I did not like the side by side because Sophie likes to sit up or sleep in the stroller and she just did not have a lot of room. I LOVE this stroller. A bit buly but sooo worth it. I need storage. Also the infant car seat fits in perfectly.

  8. On May 3rd, 2008 at 10:55 pm Dawn from old AB Says:

    We ended up going with the Graco Quattro Tour Double Stroller in Soho. We liked it because it has five point harnesses, and you don’t have to bend down to push it. It folds smaller than the Graco Duo Glide, which we bought originally then realized it probably wouldn’t fit into the Kia or the Jetta, and that only has 3 point harnesses, which I didn’t like for a baby under one. The front toddler seat has a front bar that you can remove so your toddler can climb in more easily.

    Granted, baby #2 has not arrived yet so we haven’t tried this out with two babies in it, so I could not verify that it handles really easily.

  9. On May 4th, 2008 at 5:12 am Melissa Says:

    I love my Mcclaren. I dont know the model, but it is only 21 lbs. It is navy blue and has dual sided pads, so I have one seat red and the other blue so I know which kid goes where and dont always have to adjust the straps. and it is super easy to open AND close. Much better than the single stroller I inherited that I had to leave open in my trunk because I couldn’t get it closed and it weighed a ton.

  10. On May 4th, 2008 at 9:47 am Jen Says:

    Something else to consider…My kids always liked the front carrier (as an infant) or a backpack (when they could sit up) much better than a stroller. For a time I sported one in the backpack, and two in a double Graco front to back stroller. Now that was a sight. I felt like I was part pack mule. Glad you’re in your new home. Sabrina is beautiful.

  11. On May 4th, 2008 at 12:55 pm Burgh Baby Says:

    Yummmm . . . kettle corn.

    The only thing worse than spending way too much money on a stroller is doing it all over again when the first one doesn’t work out. I am officially a convert to buying at garage sales/consignment stores. At least that way it isn’t $100 wasted on a stupid Combi stroller than I can’t push without tripping on the back wheels.

  12. On May 4th, 2008 at 2:29 pm Vanessa Says:

    I didn’t use a stroller for my younger one until she was 9-12 months old – as it was easier to carry her in a sling – she was happier that way and then I could still push big sis in stroller. Very managable. The double I had purchased (thanks goodness at a consignment store) was used TWICE. Also, the big question to ask yourself is what you want to use it for. Mostly in and out of car? Neighborhood walks? Through door ways or just in wide spaces and malls?
    With my two girls, I’ve been through four different strollers – 2 used and one previous year model. One was useless, one – the double jog stroller was great for walks when baby was older but horrid to put in car. Two loved most were single Maclarens. So having said that,
    1) consider waiting -what works for a newborn’s needs will be different at 6mths and again at 12months. As time goes, your needs will be clearer.
    2) buy used
    3) if you do get one to use right away, be sure that one side can be made suitable for newborns (reclines fully) – was hard to find 6yrs ago, but might be easy now.
    Hope that helps!

  13. On May 4th, 2008 at 5:44 pm Stephanie Says:

    She has such a pretty smile!

    I didn’t realize that you’re from Tennessee. I’ve always wanted to visit there…I’m a big fan of country music, plus I’ve heard it’s beautiful there.

  14. On May 5th, 2008 at 6:40 am Emily Says:

    Just a thought on double strollers since Sabrina is getting bigger, Why not get one of those strollers that allow the bigger kid to sit or stand behind the stoller (still riding). I saw a ton of them at our community garage sale this weekend and I thought “what a great idea if you had an infant and toddler”. If you don’t know what I mean, email me and I’ll find a picture for you.

  15. On May 6th, 2008 at 7:33 am terris213 Says:

    I agree with what Vanessa said, to wait and see what your needs will be. However, I love my Sit and Stand. I have a 20 month old (came home from Guat at 11 mos) and a 5 yr old (also from Guat). I use it to everywhere! Mommy uses it as a jog stroller, in the mall, even on quick trips in the gorcery store. My 20 mo old stays in it when we stop at the food court in the mall, since it is covered in her germs unlike the virus/bact-coated high chairs there. The down sides are that the front seat is not for the small ones, as it does not fully recline, but my toddler can sleep anywhere. The basket is a bit hard to get in and out of, but I also added hooks and the diaper bag has snap straps. I have had this stroller since the 20 month old came home and I love it. It will get in and out of doors–I live in the very rude area of Wash DC/No Virginia (man, do I miss the South!) and have to open most of my own doors AND push the stroller thru while folks just stand there or huff and puff because I’m in the way, but I can do it! I can manuever in and around crowded Christmas-time shops. I have even conquered uneven terrain at festivals and craft shows. My 5 yr old is just now getting a bit too heavy, so I may be looking at getting a solo stroller, but I’m going to use this one til it dies in mid-walk.
    Good luck!
    Congrats on getting the move done.
    Sabrina is a doll!
    terri in virginia

  16. On May 9th, 2008 at 11:45 am teri Says:

    I bought the stroller you are looking at at half price too. It is really light and folds flat but the wide way rather than up into itself but will easily fit in the back of the Forester. I had to get snack trays for my 2 y/o (on the 28th). Our girl (10 months) just came home from Guat on Wed. and we haven’t tried it with both yet. She is deathly afraid of the umbrella stroller we brought down. I just loved that it was so light. No more major effort to get it in the car. I pushed it around the house with him before we picked her up and it seemed nice. My son is too young for the sit and stand–he wouldn’t go for that I know. They are only 5 lbs difference in wt right now. Good Luck.

  17. On March 30th, 2024 at 2:19 am LeoToys Says:

    It sounds like you had a wonderful day in Tennessee! Exploring the spring arts festival on such a lovely day must have been a treat. Sometimes, it’s the simple joys like sunny weather and quality time with loved ones that make the best memories. And hey, even if you didn’t buy much, finding the perfect Father’s Day gift for Steve is a win in itself! Plus, there’s something delightful about indulging in some kettle corn while soaking in the atmosphere. It’s moments like these that remind us to appreciate the little things in life.

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