Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Random stuff


For those wondering about Miss Sabrina’s super cute apple sleeper – it is from Baby Gap.  I went to Baby Gap yesterday, armed with a Christmas gift card, to buy some new sleepers since she suddenly has out grown all of her sleepers (how does that happen in a week?).  I was shocked that a $50 gift card purchased 3 sleepers (2 of them were even on sale) and I still had to kick in $4.50 out of my pocket.  Very thankful for the gift card but I won’t be purchasing her future sleep wear there for those prices.  I must admit they fit great, are the perfect weight for her to be warm but not sweating, and wash really nicely.


Several posts ago, some of you asked about my orange purse.  Sorry to say it isn’t made any longer.  It is a Dooney & Bourke from several years ago (purchased on a whim when we had 2 incomes and no children – kind of a last hurrah before the adoption started).  I’ve browsed D&B purses in the last few years and they don’t make anything quite like it now.  Perhaps again someday – maybe check out e-bay.


I am continually amazed at how this pregnancy has effected me.  My emotions run to such extremes these days.  If I find something funny, I laugh until tears are running down my face.  If I find something frustrating, I end up sobbing.

I’ve made the decision to break up with my crazy doctor.  I won’t go into all of the reasons – let’s just say there are plenty which I haven’t even shared here.  I spent the morning trying to find another MFM who is part of my insurance network and less than 30 miles from my home.  HA!  (M – the name you so graciously got for me – she wasn’t part of the network.  But thanks again for your help my friend.)  The insurance website and then the provider referral line gave me inaccurate information about doctors that don’t exist in the locations listed.  After calling several offices, spending 45 collective minutes on hold, and speaking with countless confused receptionists, I’ve determined my crazy lady is the only MFM short of going downtown (which would 40 minutes without traffic from our new house).  I’m left with either sticking with the crazy woman who makes me dread my appointments or driving too far for convenience or downgrading to a regular OB who may consult with a specialist if needed.  I’m thinking door number 3 is the winner here.  But my frustration ended up with me sobbing at my dining room table for 15 minutes and feeling ridiculous about it.  Not how I would handle such a thing pre-pregnancy.


Pet peeve:  If you are going to offer to shake someone’s hand, don’t be a dead fish about it.  Put a little effort into it or don’t put your hand out to initiate.


I haven’t packed a box in 5 days.  Yes, we are moving in 23 days and I have about 9 boxes packed at this point.  Denial is a lovely thing.  When does this nesting thing kick in?


Does anyone watch Days?  I catch it once or twice a week usually.  (Don’t judge me…I started watching when I was 13 or 14 – what did I know?)  Is anyone else a little icked out with the crazy Ava and Steve supposedly having a history that took place years ago and lasted for years?  She looks way too young to have a history with anyone (not much older than his kid).  For whatever reason, this bugs me.


Another stupid TV observation.  Sabrina watches Word World on PBS once a week or so.  It really bugs me that all of the animals (duck, sheep, bear, bug, ant, frog, etc) talk except the dog.  The dog only barks.  Why is he a second class citizen?  And man, I need to get out more.

posted under Misc.
17 Comments to

“Random stuff”

  1. On April 3rd, 2008 at 1:53 pm mama k Says:

    Good for you for finding a new Dr.
    Really, you want someone you actually LIKE, let alone trust, showing up on the big day. Really. And I’m sure a regular OB wouldn’t take you on if they felt you needed a specialist, right? I mean, just being over X age isn’t really that huge of a deal, right? (My friend had kids well into her 40’s… like 45yo with her last one.)

    And that Day’s story line is a stretch. But that’s the way it always goes. The women look waaaay young and just make cameos when they get older.

  2. On April 3rd, 2008 at 1:57 pm Amanda Says:

    yea, just go to a reg. OB. Get away from the crazy Dr!!

  3. On April 3rd, 2008 at 2:50 pm Pattie Says:


    If you think you might have not exhausted all your MFM options:
    Have you tried calling all of the hospitals in your area (or checkingout their websites) to ask who their MFM docs are? Every hospital that has an OB program is going to have at least 1 or 2 on staff (but probably not a lot more…unless it is an academic med center…and there are lots of other issues surrounding those). The website might even show insurance. Another option might be to look for the hospital you want to deliver at, and then go finding their best doc for you (take a tour and ask the staff nurses for recommendations…not the tour guide).

    Pattie (who did marketing for hospitals in a prior life)

  4. On April 3rd, 2008 at 3:08 pm Dawn from old AB Says:

    I never noticed that about Word World… that’s kind of strange. Why are there three kids and a pig in Super Why?

  5. On April 3rd, 2008 at 4:19 pm Priscilla Says:

    That dog thing has gotten on my nerves for quite some time now. It’s my fave cartoon, tho, so I just try and go with the flow. Not that I watch it by myself ever after M goes down for a nap. No. Not me.

    Good luck finding a new doctor. I’m glad you’re breaking up with your current one. I’ve been hating her from afar for a while now!

  6. On April 3rd, 2008 at 4:55 pm Ashley Says:

    Well, I applaud you for dumping the crazy lady. This is your pregnancy, a HAPPY time in your life, and if you have no plans for more children in the future, your only pregnancy. Why spend it worried over this wackjob??

    Word World drives me n-u-t-s! We’re not into that one just yet… phew!

  7. On April 3rd, 2008 at 4:57 pm Ellie Says:

    YES… Days fan… Like you… MANY MANY YEARS OF THERAPY FOR ME… Ava… I can’t stand this part of the story line… I actually TIVO is and FF though her crap… Cause at the end of the story line, all will be fine…I personally think it is just a filler cause they are waiting for some other things to catch up…

    AS for the OB… Do what you are most comfortable doing… If you don’t like Dr. Crazy, don’t go back, go with you gut feeling… OR should I say you Baby feeling!

    HUGS to you and Little miss S!


  8. On April 3rd, 2008 at 5:45 pm Priscilla Says:

    one more thing…I gasp in horror over the price of a Gap footie sleeper, but you’re right – they wear fabulously and wash oh so well. i have good luck finding NWT ones on ebay.

  9. On April 3rd, 2008 at 7:03 pm Rachael Says:

    I watched Days for many, many years. Started when I was like 8, but, I finally gave it up for good 7 or 8 years ago. I don’t even recognize the names you mentioned. I guess they finally got some new characters besides Marlena and Hope and the evil Stephano?

    I’ll email you some advice on the doctor thing.

  10. On April 3rd, 2008 at 7:26 pm Kelly Says:

    Funny about word world, I cant say that I have ever noticed that. It has always bugged me that Goofy can talk but Pluto can’t though. Just doesnt make sense!!!!!

    Glad you are getting away from your Dr………. I hope you find someone who allows you to ENJOY the rest of your pregnancy!!!!!

  11. On April 3rd, 2008 at 8:11 pm Ashley J Says:

    Sending you and e-mail too…

    Oh…Word World… they must have made Pluto ( from Mickey Mouse) too because he was the only one who did not talk too.

  12. On April 3rd, 2008 at 8:23 pm Alleen Says:

    OK, so much to say about this post. I love your random factoid posts….

    First — get thee to a Gap Outlet!!!! I just bought summer PJs(with shorts) for $10 a pair. I think they still had some footie ones left too. Who knows, maybe those are even less. Is it wrong I’ve had to tell myself to stop buying new summer PJs and it’s only April? Sigh… I have a serious shopping problem when it comes to Miss G’s stuff.

    Second — If you can’t find a specialist, then yes, I think a regular OB will be just fine and you can get the referral if needed. But, it seems like you’re progressing just fine and probably won’t even need any more “big guns” care(at least we’re all rooting for you not needing it!). Scary to think what other stuff she must have said or done if you didn’t even tell us all(and since when do you hold back on the juicy stuff???).

    Third — OMGosh, I’m so with you on the hand-shaking!!! It’s bad when it’s a woman, but man, I’ve had some men do it to me and it drives me batty.

    Fourth — oh my… I can procrastinate with the best of them. Doesn’t matter how important or big the task is, I will wait until the absolute last possible chance to get it done.

    Can’t comment on the TV shows as I haven’t seen either.

  13. On April 3rd, 2008 at 9:04 pm Bobbi Says:

    Those jammies are great. I do have to say that they will last. I too try to get stuff at the Gap outlet.

    Dr advice: Remember that you will have to put up with this person while you are in the worst pain of your life. If you think she grates on your nerves now, just wait until you are in tranisition. She should fear for her life…….so, yeah go for the OB. You’ve made it this far, you’ll be fine.

    Steve can pack!!! Nesting is about TWO days before you have the baby.

  14. On April 3rd, 2008 at 9:12 pm Kelly Says:

    I noticed the Word World thing, it pisses me off that the dog cannot talk.

    I hope you find a doc soon!!!!! Get pack’in girl, your crap isn’t gonna pack itself!!!!!! LOL Just Kidding I would put it off as long as possible!

  15. On April 4th, 2008 at 3:56 am MizFit Says:


    so much to say and no time with C traveling.

    short version: CONGRATS ON THE BREAK UP.
    heres hoping you build a bonfire with all the remembrances as I did, err, heard people did in college.

    you ARE crazy. as am I as I had that conversation AT emma yesterday (she HEARTS WW too. and will stand for a good 4 minutes riveted by it which is a coup :)) all about that (while we were playing with our own doddin)

    life calls

    happy friday

  16. On April 4th, 2008 at 7:28 am Anne Says:

    Yup, those Baby Gap gift cards are almost a curse, everytime I’ve gotten one, I’ve gone way over the amount…Good luck on the dr. search!!

  17. On April 6th, 2008 at 3:22 pm emily Says:

    Ok, first of all I suck as a blog friend. My computer malfunctioned while we were in Nashville, which is where I had your phone number stored ( I checked my cell phone from when I called you but none of the Tennessee numbers were yours, they were all food and hotels, I have no idea). Second, in Ohio I have always pulled over for funeral processions but I noticed many people don’t. I’m not sure where I got the idea that I had to do this but I always have. And lastly, I used to watch Days, but I stopped after I went back to work. Now, when I try to catch it I am totally lost.

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