Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

A post about nothing


I have to be extremely careful with my blood sugar while I am pregnant.  This means I’ve had to give up or severely limit many things that I love (ice cream, chocolate, pasta, bread, tortilla chips, rice, cereal, etc).  I can small amounts of these things but I really miss them because I am trying to do everything I can to protect this pregnancy (and honestly I have trouble eating just a little pasta or chocolate).  I finally couldn’t stand it anymore and had to have some pasta for dinner.  I was rather dubious but bought this to try:


5 grams of digestable carbs per serving (as opposed to 40+ in regular pasta) – meaning I could have it for dinner with a salad rather than some piddly little side dish of it.  I figured the worst case scenario is that is tasted like crap and I ate the yummy sauce with some low carb pita bread instead.  Folks, I couldn’t tell the difference between it and regular pasta.   And it has the added bonus of having protein and calcium in it.  So if for some reason you are watching carbs, give it a try.


I saw a lot of this face yesterday:


Pouty, cranky child.  She is cutting a couple of molars so I am trying to cut her some slack but yesterday wasn’t pretty.  I had a doctor’s appointment and had to take her with me.   We were there for over 2 hours so even I was getting cranky by the end of it.  When we got home, I gave her some lunch and tried to put her down for a nap.  She fought that nap for 2 solid hours before I finally admitted defeat.  I try really hard not to battle with her over things I can’t win but a nap-less Sabrina isn’t a pretty sight.


Stolen from Jennefer’s blog, I thought this was a fun link.  You answer 11 questions and it tells you which presidential candidate you agree with most closely.  Sadly, my #1 match only agreed with 3 of my answers so I guess I’m all over the place.


This post about bad parenting moments made me laugh yesterday.  It also made me feel like a better mom.

Ms. Fussypants wrote a post about dressing decently while pregnant.

posted under Misc.
12 Comments to

“A post about nothing”

  1. On January 9th, 2008 at 11:45 am Dirkey Says:

    That is seriously the saddest face in the whole world!

  2. On January 9th, 2008 at 12:28 pm mama k Says:

    Poor girly. Cutting molars is a beyotch.

    I’ll have to remember that about the pasta in case I have GD again.

  3. On January 9th, 2008 at 1:27 pm Emily Says:

    OMG, she looks pitiful…..but thanks for sharing cuz she is too cute!

  4. On January 9th, 2008 at 2:23 pm Alli ~Mrs. Fussypants Says:

    What about Barilla Pasta Plus. Because of its high protein to balance the carbs. Any help?

  5. On January 9th, 2008 at 2:29 pm Steph Says:

    I just did the presidential match – I am still so torn over who to vote for. My top match was actually the person I was leaning towards in my head but not who I liked personally the best, so sad as this may sound I’m going to vote that way! (It was that or a dart board at this point – I’ve watched 3 debates and all the media coverage of Iowa and NH and I was still stuck).

  6. On January 9th, 2008 at 2:29 pm Steph Says:

    Oh and I’m totally buying that pasta – thanks for the heads up!

  7. On January 9th, 2008 at 4:01 pm Soltana Says:

    What a sad little face ðŸ™

    Have you tried the slow churn ice cream ? I don’t think it has alot os sugar in it..

    You’re doing great!!!

  8. On January 9th, 2008 at 4:05 pm staciesmadness Says:

    awe, poor baby girl.

    OK your link to finsippy or whatever it was, just made me laugh and pee a little. That is hilarious. Thanks for sharing!

  9. On January 9th, 2008 at 4:18 pm Lori Says:

    Oh poor Sabrina!!

    I’m glad things are going well with the P! Sorry you got a lecture at the docs. We should be able to ask whatever questions we need to – we are paying for their paychecks!!

    I might have to try the pasta – I’ve been looking for better options (secret options) for Nico.

    I tagged you! Come on over and check it out!

  10. On January 9th, 2008 at 11:39 pm Sarah Says:

    Poor baby! She looks so sad but is still the cutest little stinker ever!

    I am going to try that pasta!! I am on WW and the whole wheat is just not cuttin it!!!

  11. On January 10th, 2008 at 10:14 am Tessie Says:

    I have WONDERED about that pasta. I’m glad you wrote this, if only for that!

  12. On January 10th, 2008 at 10:16 pm Jessica Says:

    I was looking online the other day for low carb pasta and read this article…. http://lowcarbdiets.about.com/od/cooking/a/pastasubs.htm Your post reminded me of it. They amended the article to say that some diabetics had spikes in their blood sugar when they reheated this pasta… I see where you are watching your sugar so I thought you might want to look into this more. I haven’t investigated anymore into it to confirm the article… so there could be nothing to worry about.

    Good Luck and take care!!!

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