Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

The star of our show


A couple of quick photos of Sabrina from yesterday.  She has been cranky – she has a couple of the big side teeth (molars?) on the bottom coming in.  One has broken through most of the way but the one on the other side has not.  Her poor little gums are so swollen it makes me hurt just to look at them.

As for me, it seems that Tuesday was the worst of it for the moment.  Since I wrote my whiny post, I’ve been feeling pretty good.  My energy certainly isn’t back to normal but I haven’t been quite as tired.  I started taking my prenatal vitamin at night and I haven’t had a headache in 3 days – could be a coincidence but I will continue taking it at night.  The nausea has lessened a bit too.  Of course the reduction in symptoms causes me to worry that something is wrong (just no making me happy, is there?)…but since we’ve made it this far I have to admit I am feeling rather optimistic now.   You notice I was browsing maternity clothes yesterday – that is pretty darn optimistic for me!  (Thanks for the suggestions by the way…Ebay hadn’t occurred to me which is amazing because it is usually my go to place for web browsing.)  Back to the doctor on Monday.

Sabrina spent yesterday alternating between this puppy that talks/sings (she carried it with her everywhere after not touching it for 6 months) and putting things into and out of her lego wagon.  Put things into and pulling them out of boxes, bags, and any other container is her current favorite activity.



I still struggle to do something with her hair but it is so fine and she is so impatient with any combing or styling that I can’t get much more than a little barrette in to keep her bangs off her forehead.  I have some tiny pony tail holders but I can’t get her to sit still long enough (even in her high chair) to do much with them.  Maybe when she is older!

posted under family
19 Comments to

“The star of our show”

  1. On January 4th, 2008 at 11:16 am jenn Says:

    OMG – Sabrina looks so much a like a little girl instead of a baby girl now! When did this happen? LOL

    Glad you are feeling somewhat better. I wouldn’t worry about the less nausea thing. I know prenatal vitamins can cause nausea anyway, so maybe the nausea is lessening because you are taking them at night now.

  2. On January 4th, 2008 at 11:19 am Jamie Says:

    I think they should have a Project Runway for maternity wear! Obviously, not this season because I don’t like any of them, but Jillian. Maybe bring back season 2, they will be up for the challenge. We will find you fashionable, cute maternity wear in no time, Michelle!

    Love the Sabrina pictures!

  3. On January 4th, 2008 at 11:34 am Bobbi Says:

    Look how long her hair is getting!!

    Prenatal vitamins at night may also be helping with the nausea during the day. I couldn’t take them until I was about 16 weeks they made me so sick. But, a friend of mine took them at night, and it did the trick. So, try not to worry……..easier said than done.

    Glad you are optimisitic. Now, on maternity wear, it is MUCH better than it was 10 years ago. Not that that helps you any. I know how you feel about the tents though. Try a sporting good store. Their tents have less bling!!

  4. On January 4th, 2008 at 11:56 am Priscilla Says:

    Glad you’re feeling better! I have similar issues with M’s hair, and to pull it up, I usually sit her in my lap (or in her highchair) and give her something to occupy her hands – hairbrush, shiny paper, something she doesn’t usually get to play with – and then do it as fast as possible. She will pull bows or barrettes out, but she leaves a regular elastic hair thing alone.

  5. On January 4th, 2008 at 12:25 pm mama k Says:

    She looks cute no matter what!

    Peanut has that puppy. It is so freakin annoying but it keeps him entertained.

  6. On January 4th, 2008 at 12:39 pm Kim Says:

    Alex also has that puppy, and he also didn’t want anything to do with it for quite awhile – now he loves it. And Sabrina is as cute as ever. (and I’m glad you are feeling better!!)

  7. On January 4th, 2008 at 12:44 pm Debra Says:

    Glad to hear you are feeling better. I found Alexis likes to sit on the bathroom vanity so she can watch what I am doing to her hair. Then once I manage to get it in she grins when I tell her how pretty she is. She got a whole box of hair accessories from her aunt for xmas and likes to play with them. Also now that I turned her car seat around she can’t see what is in hair in the baby mirror. Progress is being made since the 2 second rip out terror streak. Alexis also just found her puppy in the bottom of a toy box. I have the song head, shoulder, knees, toes going thru my head as I type. Sabrina is very cute!

  8. On January 4th, 2008 at 2:15 pm chou2 Says:

    Happy to hear you are feeling better. And, Sabrina is so lovely!! She really does look more like a girl and not like a baby any more…

  9. On January 4th, 2008 at 3:12 pm Tera Says:

    Well, I will jump on the bandwagon and say how mature sweet Sabrina is looking! : 0 She looks so grown up. Her hair is getting so long! : 0 The hairstyling thing is so hard…that one little clip is adorable and it serves its purpose. : ) I do Emma’s hair the same way that Priscilla does her daughter’s hair…whew…it is a challenge, though even with a high chair and shiny objects. Almost every day is a clip-to-get-the-bangs-out-of-eyes day.

    I am so glad that you are feeling at least a little better. I would love it if you kept posting about your pregnancy. I know that you mentioned that many of your blog readers might have struggled with or are struggling with infertility…that probably is true. And yes, it could be difficult for some people to read about your pregnancy…however, you addressed that issue in such a sweet and sensitive way…I don’t think that too many readers will shy away from your blog. : )

    God bless.

  10. On January 4th, 2008 at 3:21 pm Tera Says:

    Oh, I had to share about that puppy. We have that puppy and ours is a bit creepy. It starts talking even when no one else is around…even in the middle of the night…it freaks me out all of the time! One night, I almost called that cops because our creepy puppy started talking in the other room and I thought that someone was in the house or outside trying to get in. Crazy.

    God bless.

  11. On January 4th, 2008 at 3:31 pm staciesmadness Says:

    she is so sweet…

    your nausea (I can never spell that damn word)could also be improving because of the time you are taking your prenatals. SO try not to worry about symptoms dwindling.

  12. On January 4th, 2008 at 3:41 pm Alleen Says:

    I too was thinking how long her hair is getting. Keep trying with the styling. Gabriella would not let me put anything in for months and months. Most days I can now get a rubber band pony and bow in by giving her a few things to play with on the changing table. If Miss G is letting me do it, there’s hope for sweet,calm Sabrina!!!!

    Can’t wait to hear the news from Monday. I hope you’re released from the couch at least a bit more.

  13. On January 4th, 2008 at 4:17 pm Soltana Says:

    She is too cute!!!

    Glad your feeling alittle better. When I was pregers with Derek I used these motion sickness band..not sure what they’re called. I got mine a t Rite Aid…its a band you put on your wrists and theres a little ball that hits a pressure point that helps with nausea. I hope that helps..

    Have a great weekend…

  14. On January 4th, 2008 at 9:13 pm SlushTurtle Says:

    She is getting so big! And so cute. Maybe I need a girl thrown into the mix around here so I can worry about fixing hair and things like that. Who I am kidding- my 3 year old is probably wearing the same snot-encrusted shirt he wore yesterday. I don’t need hair thrown into that mix! 🙂

  15. On January 4th, 2008 at 9:29 pm Angie Says:

    Sabrina truly is turning into a little girl and a beautiful one if I might add. Isn’t it crazy how fast they grow?

    As for the teeth, Gabbie has all of her molars now. She is working on the canines which seem to be giving her a rough time. The gums look stretched to the max but those stinkers won’t poke through. I think they will any day now and she will have 16 teeth, one for each month of her age I guess! Anyway, we have been using the teething tablets and motrin for pain when she is really chewing and it seems to help.

    As for hair we either pull hers up all of the time or leave it down with the bangs hanging in her eyes and us pushing them aside all of the time. She refuses to wear a clip of any sort. Hopefully this will improve with age.

    I am glad you are feeling better. Can’t wait to see the update from Monday’s appointment!

  16. On January 4th, 2008 at 9:44 pm merifa Says:

    She’s so adorable! What a beautiful smile. Glad the headaches are better. Not long till you clear the 1st trimester. Woohoo! Hope your appt on Monday goes well.

    My little guy has that puppy also. He LOVES it, but it’s so stinkin sensitive. All you have to do is breathe on it and it says “let’s sing and play games!” or “it’s learning time! 🙂

  17. On January 4th, 2008 at 9:59 pm erinberry Says:

    I love that first picture of Sabrina – so cute!

  18. On January 4th, 2008 at 10:05 pm Cheryl Says:

    Frozen washcloths. Sabrina will be able to shove it into the back of her mouth easily and chew chew chew to her hearts content. Also, when Alice was teeths we tend to freeze a lot of her food in little bite size dollops, stuff like applesauce that will melt in her mouth. Works like a charm, and she eats!

    Also, as someone who never has been able to GET pregnant, much less stay that way, I am soooo excited for you and will be disappointed if at least one post per week doesn’t document your journey. Still need cute pics of Sabrina though!

  19. On January 5th, 2008 at 12:05 am Andrea Says:

    We have that puppy, too. And Tera’s comment cracked me up, because ours does the SAME thing. It freaks me out ALL the time. And yes, K could have cared less about it up until a few weeks ago. Now, he loves it. I’ll post a picture on my blog this weekend of him loving on his puppy (taken with my new camera).

    Glad to hear you’re feeling better!!

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