Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Happy New Year and Happy Birthday


Last night was quite tame – a little Chinese delivered and a DVD. New Years Eve used to be the highlight of my year. My sister, friends, and I would make our plans months ahead of time. We never went out – we always had a small party with friends. Drinking usually began by 6pm, music and cards started by 8pm and festivities continued until well after midnight. I would wake up on New Years Day swearing I would never drink or smoke again. As everyone started getting married and having children, our annual parties broke up. I had some fun New Years Eves with other groups of friends but eventually it just became another evening of the year.  There are brief moments that I miss the anticipation of the celebration but I think that kind of party is for those younger than me.

We didn’t even make it until midnight.  Steve declared he was going to bed at 11:15 so I went to bed too.  Anyone make any interesting resolutions?  I never make them because I never keep them.  I figure it is better not to start a new year feeling like a failure because my resolution only lasted for 16 hours – 8 of which I was sleeping.  But I’m always interested to hear others’ resolutions and how well they manage to stick to them.

Our new years day traditional dinner is pork and sauerkraut.  This year I decided to give it a southern twist and make pulled pork and coleslaw (the smell coming from the crockpot is yummy!).  Anyone have any interesting or weird new years food traditions?

Happy birthday to my wonderful husband!

posted under Misc.
20 Comments to

“Happy New Year and Happy Birthday”

  1. On January 1st, 2008 at 2:42 pm Crystal Says:

    Yum. Pulled pork and cole slaw sounds awesome. Maybe I should make that. Are grocery stores open today??

    I hope 2008 brings you and your family all wonderful things–including a very happy birthday day today.

    p.s. Resolutions smesolutions.

  2. On January 1st, 2008 at 2:50 pm Priscilla Says:

    I occasionally make some, although I like to call them goals. Much easier to stick with that way, and much more forgiving.

    We eat black eyed peas and some kind of green for New Year’s. When I’m motivated enough to cook ’em, that is!

    Happy New Year to you, Steve and Sabrina!

  3. On January 1st, 2008 at 3:19 pm mama k Says:

    Happy New Year!

    Glad to hear I’m not the only one who went to bed at 11pm. I drank a bottle of champane and hung out with the hubs. I blogged my goals for the new year…

    As for food, my stepmom always made cabbage and I hated it. We buy clam chowder from our fav local seafood place when they close for the season in Sept. We freeze it and enjoy it on new years with some home made biscuits. mmmmm

  4. On January 1st, 2008 at 4:00 pm Kim Says:

    We actually did stay up – and so did Alex!! We don’t do any special food – just watch football ALL DAY!!

    Happy Birthday Steve!!

  5. On January 1st, 2008 at 4:07 pm Kelly Says:


    I was in bed by 9:30! I’m lame.

    Not too big on resolutions but my goals for the year are to get healthy for the family, get to church at least 2 times a month, and work with DS to get him ready for kindergarden!

    I guess a sort of tradition for food is to have shrimp. Tonight we are having pasta with a sun dried tomato alfredo sauce with steamed spinich (need the iron now a days) and shrimp! Sounds good to me at least!
    Happy Birthday Steve!

  6. On January 1st, 2008 at 4:20 pm Ashley J Says:

    I tired to stay up… but hubby went out on me and I made it until about 11:30. Of course the fireworks and HOOPIN’ AND HOLLERIN’ woke me up about 30 minutes later.

    We eat black-eyed peas too. Something about brining you luck in the new year… but I cannot even remember.

    Here is hoping you 08 is one for the memories!

  7. On January 1st, 2008 at 4:48 pm Rachael Says:

    Black-eyed peas and greens cooking right now. I make it every New Year, even though my husband and kids are never nearly as excited about it as I am! It’s supposed to be good luck for the New Year, and I think it’s a southern thing (where I grew up).

    I have about a million resolutions, but I’m not calling them that, it would be to depressing!

  8. On January 1st, 2008 at 5:07 pm Tricia Says:

    ~~~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE!!!!!!!!~~~~


  9. On January 1st, 2008 at 5:21 pm Steph Says:

    Your night sounds like mine! And your younger New Year’s Eve parties sounded like mine too! My lungs and liver have never forgiven me for many of my younger-days antics! 😉

    Your dinner sounds DEE-lish. There must be something with pork and New Year’s Day. We always have a ham, with green beans and potatoes au gratin. My kids hate black eyed peas, or we’d be having those too (for luck).

  10. On January 1st, 2008 at 7:59 pm Alleen Says:

    We actually went out last night and didn’t get home until 2:00 am. I haven’t been out that late in a long time.

    We don’t do anything interesting food-wise on New Year’s Day. We did go out to Chili’s for dinner and regretted it given the mood Gabriella was in. Sigh….

  11. On January 1st, 2008 at 8:42 pm Bobbi Says:

    Happy Birthday, Steve!

    Nope, no resolutions. I am with you. Goals, but not resolutions.

    Your dinner sounds yummy.

    My daughter (9) made it until midnight. The other two went to bed, and we snuggled into our bed. Joe was asleep before 10, and I was right behind him. She watched her shows and woke us up just before Midnight………..my life is sad.

    Happy New Year

  12. On January 1st, 2008 at 9:12 pm Julia Says:

    Happy B’day Steve – from the entire McKenzie crew:)

    Our nights sound simular:)

    The oldest four kids were gone unitl this afternonn – so tonight we cooked together and ate together as a family:)

    We used to do black eyed peas – but this year –
    organic barbecue chicken.
    organic brown rice
    organic salad
    Baked organic sweet potatoe fries dipped in raw honey

    it was awesome and the kids liked it and loved helping in the kitchen – I have SOOO tapped into that long missed out on clue!

    MY KIDS LIKE TO COOK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woooohooo:)

    I am sendin the best of wishes that your New year is filled with love, life and lots and lots of laughter:)


  13. On January 1st, 2008 at 9:36 pm chou2 Says:

    Yum – pulled pork and coleslaw sounds delish!!!

    I made it to midnight but BARELY — I’m telling you, it’s getting harder every year. 🙂

    Happy New Year to you.

  14. On January 1st, 2008 at 9:44 pm Muriel Elrod Says:

    Looks like I am a few weeks behind you in the baby department. Hoping to hear a heart beat on the 8th. Happy New Year. I know 2008 will be awesome.

  15. On January 1st, 2008 at 11:02 pm karen Says:

    We used to be invited to a new year’s brunch and i missed that this year. Next year we are going to host it.

  16. On January 2nd, 2008 at 7:22 am Sig Says:

    The adults had enchiladas with rice (and beans) the kids had baked ziti. My brother and fmaily left about 10 and we were in bed with the younger 3 at 11. LOL (The middle kids stayed up and my older ones were out)
    Resolutions? Never made em, never will. I am funny like that.
    Till 2 years ago, we went to the same group of friends but last year we decided to stay home and I am glad we do. We do buy beer and wine coolers, so hows that for partying like it’s 1999? ::grin::

  17. On January 2nd, 2008 at 8:54 am tonya Says:

    We do the pork/kraut and mashed potatoes. Dont forget the penny in your shoe for good luck! The two younger babes made it til 10–the older babe til 11 and this babe til 11:15. We had a big box of fireworks to pop at midnite but the party fizzled out.

  18. On January 2nd, 2008 at 9:53 am Trace Says:

    Hmmm, resolutions…my plan is to exercise atleast 3x a week, eat nutritously, and meal plan. I’m setting a short term goal of sticking w/it for January. We’re also focusing on our house and I’m thinking about getting my resume together and of course there is family planning in there too.

  19. On January 2nd, 2008 at 10:56 am Lori Says:

    Nope – no resolutions! We had a quiet nite too! Wine and DVD’s! Whoo hoo!! Happy New Year!

    Happy Happy Birthday Steve!

  20. On January 3rd, 2008 at 5:11 pm staciesmadness Says:

    no resolutions for me.

    for the past 4 years we have had friends over with their kids on New Years Eve and as the kids continue to get older (only they do WE don’t ;P) it is more and more fun. 🙂