Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.



I’ve been tagged by Kristi and I haven’t done a meme in awhile so here goes.

1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Okay, 8 random facts/habits.

1. I’m the person who will order the big ice cream sundae and a diet pepsi. I really just like diet soda. Oh and I’m obsessed with ice cream. Seriously, I’m in freaking Guatemala and have 5 things in my freezer. 4 of them are ice cream. And I don’t like too much stuff in my ice cream – those things with swirls and nuts and chunks and chips – enough already. Give me a nice fudge or caramel swirl and leave it at that. Was that one thing or should I separate that out into all 8?

2. I ramble (See above). I can’t just give a simple answer to a simple question because it all just depends. It depends on the situation, my mood, the weather, the barometric pressure, if I’m having a good hair day, etc.

3. I’m a food snob. I love good food. I will plan trips around where I can eat. But being a food snob doesn’t mean I only like frou-frou stuff. A good burger makes me as happy as a wonderful multi-course meal.

4. I’m afraid my dog is going to forget me while I am gone.  Seriously – I spend time worrying about this.
5. Did you know there is a learning curve for driving strollers? Well at least jogging strollers on narrow sidewalks? Yeah, me neither. I keep getting stuck with my wheel up against walls.

6. You know that annoying girl in high school who always thought everyone was her best friend but really no one liked her very much because she was always glomming on to other people? I’m so afraid of being that girl that I have trouble initiating contact with new friends – I don’t want to bug people.

7. I’m a fabulous cook but I can’t bake. You have to follow direction when you bake and I’m not good at following directions.

8. I worry about how to teach my daughter to respectfully question authority without teaching her to question MY authority.

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