Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Passport Day


As I said, my agency rep says that she told me 10:30 when she called last night. We must have had a bad connection because I repeated 6:30 twice because it seemed so early. But, other than some annoyance and lost sleep, no big deal. We were on our way to Guatemala City. First we went here:


The passport office is in a strip mall. It was relatively painless – amazing that the turn around time to issue a passport was about 40 minutes from entrance to exit but it takes weeks even when expedited in the US. We stood in line. The lawyer gave the man at the window a stack of papers. We stood in another line. Sabrina got her picture and fingerprints taken. We sat down and waited. Then we picked up her passport. I got a copy of it and the lawyer took the original for the visa application at the embassy. Her name is incorrect on the passport which leads me to believe it is incorrect on her new birth certificate – it lists her birth name (first and middle) and then Steve’s last name and then my maiden name. Oh well – we have to have it changed to Sabrina when she comes home anyway. All the names are there and spelled correctly so I guess that is all that matters.

Then we headed to a photo place behind the US Embassy to have photos taken for her visa. They require all jewelry to be removed so we had to take her earrings out. Thankfully she didn’t mind in the least. She was really a trooper all day despite getting up early and missing most of her nap time. After those photos were taken, we headed back to Antigua. The agency rep and her husband doted on Sabrina all day declaring her beautiful and charming – I had to agree of course.

Next step that we are involved in is the embassy physical which we will do after our pink appointment has been issued from what I understand.

My agency rep asked the gardener about the garbage situation. No wonder he and I couldn’t mime it out. It turns out that the tenant used to pay someone to take the trash to another house for pick up. After that stopped, the next person paid someone to pick it up in a truck and do who knows what with it. So I have to try and track down this random person in a truck on the street on Thursday or Monday and pay him to make my trash disappear as there apparently isn’t city trash pick up. We’ll see how this works out.

And my momma tells me that the “nests” on the power lines are actually a fungus like spanish moss.  Who knew?  I guess mommies do know everything.

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