Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Just call me Martha


I had a couple of plums and some apples that needed to be eaten and I am running low on the fruit baby food I brought from the states (the stuff you can buy here is full of sugar) – so I went all Martha Stewart and made some plum applesauce this morning. It was actually pretty quick and simple. It turned out pretty good if I do say so myself – I sampled it before trying to feed it to Sabrina. I figured if Cheri, the anti-cook, could do it I could probably manage too.

Cut it up


Cook it with a little water until fruit is soft


I brought my stick blender so I blended it with a little water until smooth. Voila!


I was talking to my sister yesterday. She expressed disbelief that Sabrina ever does anything but smile. I give you exhibit A – this is what happens when mommy puts her down for 2 minutes so mommy can go to the bathroom – I know, call children protective services. We won’t even talk about what happens if I have to shower and she won’t nap.


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