Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.



I think Sabrina decided to haze me into the mom’s club today. We had our first diaper blow out – and man was it ugly. (Speaking of ugly, never, ever google images for blow out – wasn’t what I was looking for. Also avoid diaper – pictures of rashes you don’t want to see…way more adult diapers than I expected and they even threw in a horse diaper.) How does this beautiful little thing:


create such sheer volume of ick? Amazing!

I’m physically worn out today. Yesterday’s lost wandering and today’s excursion to get water and a few groceries (then carry them and a 15+lb baby home) has done me in. I should have trained like this was a marathon. I know I will get used to the walking and carrying and my joints and back will stop aching (man could I sound any older?) but I’m not used to it. Combine all of this walking with the inability to finish a meal (Sabrina doesn’t think mommy should eat…I am sure this is true of most babies) if I actually bother to put one together and I should be heading toward skinny when I get home. And then I will promptly gain it all back because my fat chickenbus isn’t about to walk anywhere for awhile once I am back in the states. I’ll drive to the mailbox.

But none of this is complaint – I will gladly ache a bit in order to have my sweet girl in my arms. And Antigua is truly lovely – I am fortunate to have the chance to spend this time here with Sabrina. I learned today that my momma is coming in 2 weeks and my sister in law is coming next month! Yea! Steve is also looking at coming around the same time as his sister so their trips overlap by a day or two. And I have plans for 3 out of the next 4 days to meet up with other fostering mommas AND Cheri is trying to help me find a water delivery company on my side of town so that I don’t have to lug jugs of water around any more. I think things are coming together nicely. Is it sad I had to move to a foreign country to have a social life? Let’s make that a retorical question.

Oh and I almost forgot to say “nanny nanny boo boo” to those receiving snow today!  I can’t believe it as I sit here with my windows and doors open enjoying the 80+ degrees here in the ‘mala.

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