Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Warning: May need tissue



We received this book for Christmas. I had paged through it but hadn’t really sat down with it. It is really a lovely book – stories of parents and children forming families through adoption. There are even a few stories from birth mothers. And the photography is lovely.

I was reading it on Sunday and a passage brought me to tears. I wanted to share it. It comes from a 10 yr old girl who was adopted domestically at birth:

“I have this story about how I came to my family, and I feel it’s true. My mom had had a lot of miscarriages before I was born, which worried me. So before I was born, when I was an angel in heaven, I didn’t want to be one of those miscarriages – one of the angels it didn’t work out for. I decided that the only way to reach my mom was to be born through another woman. I asked God and he said, “Well, give it a try.”

I sat and cried after reading that (I’m sappy lately). What a beautiful sentiment from a little girl. The book is called ‘Be My Baby Parents and Children Talk about Adoption’ by Gail Kinn. I enjoyed reading the parents’ stories but I really found the children’s (both young and grown) thoughts interesting. Sometimes I think once we form a firm bond and attachment the adoption aspect becomes less central for our family. This is a good reminder that it is part of our children forever and continues to effect how they view themselves and the world for the rest of their lives.

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