Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

I didn’t know


I had no idea that I should avoid the mall on Easter weekend.  I thought “It’s Friday afternoon, most people are at work.”  Apparently more people are on off on Good Friday than I calculated.  There were barely any parking spaces – I almost turned around and went home.  I don’t like going to the mall on a good day.  But I was already there.  Teenagers and people with strollers EVERYWHERE.  I wandered around a bit – since I only go to the mall a couple of times a year (now that my DSW is gone) there are always new stores to check out.  There is a Sephora now but there were so many teenage girls hanging out in there texting their friends that I had to skip it.

I ended up in the food court overlooking the Easter bunny photo shoot.  It was so entertaining I sat there for 45 minutes watching.  People were standing in line for at least an hour to have their photo taken with the bunny.  I would guess 75% of those people had children who were under 18 months old.  The babies were ready for a meltdown after standing in line for that long and then were handed off to this big freaky looking bunny.  Moms and dads and grandmas were on the floor (to avoid being in the photo) waving and squealing and making faces to get a smile out of their little ones.  Most babies weren’t having any of it.  I, personally, found it quite funny to watch.  I made a solemn vow – I will NOT be doing that next year.  Maybe when Sabrina is older.

Overheard in the food court: “No I don’t think you are fat but you should stop wearing pleated pants.  I’m just saying…”  People crack me up!

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