Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Everything seems to be set…


I’ve been a little quiet about the details of my fostering trip lately. There has been some drama for the past week surrounding the whole thing and I wanted to see how it would resolve itself before talking about it.

First, I received word from my agency that I might not be able to go and foster. I won’t get into the details because it is an internal issue but thanks to the help of my agency director my trip is still on.

Then, I learned that the house I rented might not be available to me after all. (Thank you my friend for the heads up on that – you know who you are.) After a number of email and some nail biting, I learned that I can in fact rent the house. Again, my agency assisted in this but so did the woman who is handling the rental for the owners. Thank you to all who helped!

Throughout the past 7 days of uncertainty surrounding my fostering trip, I’ve remained surprisingly calm. All of the issues were out of my hands so I let others do their jobs with minimal interference input from me and it all worked itself out. So despite some bumps my fostering trip is on and the details seem to be in place. I’m in this rather Zen-like place right now. And the rose-colored glasses look smashing on me, don’t they?


My friend Kendra got OUT yesterday!  She’s in my blogroll – go give her some love.


Tricia’s post today reminded me of my favorite quote.  I always had it hanging in my office when I did case management and therapy:

“Peace is not the absence of conflict from life…but the ability to cope with it.”

Found carved on an ancient sundial.

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