Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Blessed to have good people in our lives


What a great Saturday! First, dragged Steve to Babies R Us to buy a car seat. I looked on line and knew exactly what I wanted to get. Unfortunately, they didn’t have it in the store so I had to go home and buy it on line anyway. Steve didn’t understand why I didn’t buy the one they had in the store – but I thought it was boring and if I have to look at this thing for the next 5 years, it should be cute. It makes me smile:


We picked up a couple of outfits and some sheets for the Pack N Play I was lucky enough to purchase from Cathy who just returned from fostering in Antigua. She left it there in the care of another mom so it is waiting for me. Thanks Cathy! I will pass it along to another fostering mom when I am done with it.

Then we had dinner with some wonderful friends. They took us to the Melting Pot – a fondue restaurant. The food was incredibly yummy and the company was fabulous as well. Sharon made this beautiful alphabet blanket for Sabrina:


I am so touched! And how she found time to make this while working and having 4 children of her own is beyond me. They also loaned us some luggage since we only have 2 big suitcases to take down. One of their suitcases is nicknamed “the mother” so you can imagine it will hold lots of stuff! And they loaned us a bunch of wonderful baby things they aren’t using anymore – a Pack N Play for home, a walker toy, a doorway jumper, and a box full of toys and teethers. Thank you guys so much!

And we got another surprise gift in the mail last week for Sabrina. Our wonderful friends J & R sent some books and a gift card for BRU (it went toward the car seat – thanks guys). Tuesday I am heading to Columbus to visit my best friend who is gifting/loaning a bunch of baby clothes and gear that her beautiful baby girl has outgrown. We are blessed to have such great people in our lives!

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