Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Blissful Ignorance successful and Blog Pals**


This morning, we are being submitted to PGN.  I know this feeling won’t last but right now I’m feeling hopeful that Sabrina will actually be coming home in the near future.  (By near, I mean May.)  I can’t imagine why entering the most convoluted, unfair, random portion of the process makes me feel hopeful – but it does, at least in the short term.  It’s the home stretch.  I know that odds are we will get a previo – our prior bumps don’t preclude future ones as many before us can attest.  I am hoping our previo comes fast and it is an easy fix (back in the next day would be nice).  My perfect scenario (this is where I always get myself into trouble with getting timelines in my head) is that we get a previo next week, back in the next day, out 6 weeks later and pink 2 weeks after that.  That would mean she would be in my arms for my first Mother’s Day.  Okay, maybe too perfect to hope for that.  I was feeling so hopeful this weekend that when my best friend started asking about throwing me a shower in Ohio, I actually said she could start planning one for late April/early May.  I’ve been putting her off for months (she’s almost as excited about Sabrina coming home as I am) but finally felt like I could tell her it was going to be okay.  Man, I hope I don’t regret that.  I figure if things go horribly wrong in the next 6 weeks I can always ask her to postpone it.  She wanted to know what theme I wanted.  I told her she’s known me for 20+ years – she should know I don’t want a freaking theme.  When pressed, I suggested Cinco de Mayo – complete with margaritas.  Heh.  There are some perks to this not able to get pregnant thing.

I apparently made a couple of goofs when doing the SBP match ups last time – if you were a victim, I sincerely apologize.  It was totally my fault.  I will try to do better for the third round – promise. 

I’m thinking since the first round questionnaires were filled out in November, perhaps everyone should just do a new one.  If you strenuously object, I won’t force you but doing a new survey will allow you to update your status and your little one’s size/age.  So, if you want to participate in round 3, please complete these questions and email it to: secretblogpals@yahoo.com  I won’t be doing the matches until next Monday so you have a full week to contemplate your participation.  Here are the questions:


Mailling address

Country adopting/adopted from

Where are you in the adoption process? (Is your baby home? Are you paperchasing? Do you have a referral?)

Gender, name, age, current size/weight of baby (if known)

Age you are hoping your baby will be at homecoming

Do you have a nursery?  What is or what will the theme be?

Do you have other children at home? If yes, ages.

Favorites or dislikes (for example if you are adopting a girl but hate pink, tell your blog pal this…or if, like Carla, you have a love of all things camo, share that…if your tastes are traditional or funky you can also tell your pal this)

Blog address

Email address

Any other info you think might be helpful for a secret blog pal

**Edited to anaswer the participation question in the comments.  We basically said anyone is adopting or has adopted and wants to participate can.  You don’t have to have a blog.  And if you aren’t adopting we probably wouldn’t tell you no if you want to participate because we are pretty nice and if you are reading some adoption blogs you probably “get it”.  Send me an email at the secretblogpals@yahoo.com address if you aren’t sure.

Also if you aren’t sure what SBPs entails let me fill you in.  We do the match ups for approximately 6 weeks.  During that time, we ask you to send at least one little gift to your pal.  It’s just a fun way to pass the time.  We suggest a limit of $10 before shipping but as adults you can choose to ignore that – we just don’t want anyone to feel like they can’t participate due to money.  I’ve also been kicking around a theme for this round – something like semi-homemade that would encourage more creativity and less money spent.  But I haven’t decided and you can all weigh in since this is OUR exchange.   

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