Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Target unsupervised


Steve and I have a rule – I don’t go to Target unsupervised and he doesn’t go to Best Buy unsupervised.  It gets ugly.  Today we broke that rule because he didn’t feel like going to Target on a Saturday morning with all of the soccer moms.

I was didn’t go too crazy.  I bought 5 big boxes of baby cereal to take down to our foster mom.  I have no concept of how much cereal Sabrina might eat in a month’s time so I’m hoping that lasts a little while.  I also bought a bunch of stage 1 veggies and fruits to leave with her.  I hear that both the cereal and the baby food in Guatemala tends to have a lot of sugar in it so I wanted to give our foster mom a bit of a supply.  If this process continues to drag out, I may visit again and will take more but I’ll also have to accept that  I have no control over what Sabrina is being fed.

I also bought myself a couple of plain t-shirts (on sale for $7) because a girl can’t have too many white and neutral colored t-shirts. And I got some cute sandals to wear next week.  They have cute beads on them:
dsc01448.JPG And yes, I will be giving myself a pedicure before then.  It is winter – no one sees my feet so I am sad to say that is the remenants of the nail polish I had put on during my September pedicure in Houston.  The polish looked great for weeks and then it got cold so I never removed it.  I’m lazy that way in the winter.  Be glad I’m not modeling my new capris and sharing how often I shave my legs in the winter.  Heh.

Speaking of my new capris, I also went to Sam’s Club unsupervised.  We don’t have an official rule against that but we both acknowledge it isn’t a good idea.  There I was very well behaved.  I bought a pineapple, some blackberries, peanut M&Ms for my trip (the first bag I bought to take didn’t make it), and some cute capris.  To my blog friends who are visiting at the same time I am, I promise to shave my legs before I leave the states so I don’t scare anyone.

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