Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Super Delcious!


Our friends have a group of us over for the Super Bowl every year.  The highlight?  The food.  We all bring stuff and forget nutritional value for the evening.  I walked in the door and seriously didn’t stop eating for the first 40 minutes.  I ate tossed salad, 3 servings of a wonderful fresh fruit salad (I always crave fruit this time of year because apples are the only thing you see in the grocery store), shrimp, beef stick, fritos with taco dip, beer cheese dip (yumm-o!), some kind of blueberry dessert, and a brownie.  I just talked and stuffed my face non-stop until the game started.  And then I went back for an Italian sausage and another brownie at half time!  Oink, oink. 

As for the game?  I haven’t seen much of a game or the commercials since I met Steve and started attending this party.  Between the kids playing and the adults talking I miss most of what happens.  The kids did a little better at entertaining themselves this year so I did catch some of the action.  The game was rather bizarro.  Prince doing Purple Rain in the rain was kind of cool.  I saw a couple of commercials I liked:
*Hungry puppy “becoming” a Dalmatian – too cute.
*Blockbuster rabbit and guinea pig with the mouse – a little mean but cracked me up!
*The coke grand theft auto ad – I thought it was clever and happy.
*K-fed the fry cook – cracked up at this one.
*I didn’t see the Revlon commercial with Sheryl Crow – I’m just glad to hear that advertisers are starting to realize that the other half of the population watches the Super Bowl too!

Obviously no one likes all of the commercials but the one that really left me scratching my head was the robot dreaming about committing suicide.  Huh?

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