Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.



We were supposed to be re-submitted to family court last Friday 1/19. No word if that happened or not.

Some of my wonderful friends have received news of being OUT in the past week.  Always good to see my friend making progress!  (Angie – I adore you but am so jealous I can’t see straight since we got our referrals on the same day.  Still happy for you though!)

My mom and I sat and blubbered together on the phone this weekend about how hard this process is.  I hadn’t told her about our most recent “bump” of being pulled out of family court.  She offered to financially help me with another visit since it will likely be at least 3 months after our February visit before we can hope to bring Sabrina home.  I’m considering her offer…but there are a number of things I have to think about before I take her up on it.

I’m still feeling rather hopeless about our process.  It feels like she will never come home.  I really hate this but I don’t want Sabrina to be an only child.  When I think about going through this process again it makes me physically sick.  People tell me I will forget and be able to do it again in the future.  I hope they are right.

It’s finally winter here in PA.  It’s been snowing for days (not much accumulation though) and it is cold.  It puts Steve in a fabulous mood.  I don’t love the snow the way he does.  Steve is looking at some jobs in a slightly warmer climate – but that is a conversation for another day.

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