Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!


What brightens these dark, dreary, no-holiday-weekend-in-sight days of January?  There is only one thing…GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!  That’s right – it is Girl Scout cookie time!  *Happy Dance*  It seems  a little earlier than usual but I’m not complaining.  I arrived at work yesterday to find an order form on the table in our kitchenette.  I quickly ordered many boxes: samoas, tagalongs, thin mints!  Oh the joy! 

Girl Scouts?  They are like little crack dealers.  They started selling through their parents at work.  Then they started knocking on your front door to peddle their wares.  Now?  After cookie delivery, they set up tables at the grocery store bringing those little pieces of sugary heaven right to you!  No waiting!  The genius!  I know where they set up and can score a fix anytime I need one. 

No, I don’t think I have a problem. No need to schedule an intervention.  Here are the classic signs of addiction:
* Changes in friends. Hanging out with a new crowd.  I wouldn’t say I’m hanging out with the Girl Scouts…although I used to be one of the gang club.
* Reclusive behavior – long periods spent in self imposed isolation.  I like to be alone with my cookies so I don’t have to share…I don’t think that is wrong.
* Long, unexplained absences. I just had to run down to the store and score some more cookies.
* Lying and stealing. Nope.  I pay for them. Although I did steal borrow $10 from Steve’s wallet last year to pay for my habit cookies.
* Involvement on the wrong side of the law.  I try not to speed too much on my way to get more cookies.
* Deteriorating family relationships.  Nope – Steve loves it when I bring home cookies.
* Obvious intoxication, delirious, incoherent or unconscious. An obvious sign of opiate and narcotic abuse is the tracks of needle marks normally found on the upper arms of users.  Hey man, all I’ve got is some crumbs and a sugar hang-over.
* Changes in behavior and attitude.  Um, yeah – I’m euphoric and giddy!

It is only for a very short period every year and it doesn’t hurt anyone.  I can quit anytime I want…or when they are gone for the year – whichever comes first. Besides, it is for the children.  Heh.

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