Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Someone got her ears pierced!


Picture updates used to be pure joy in our house. I would wait and wait for them and do a little happy dance when they arrived. Now they are bittersweet. Steve and I are always happy to see new photos of our baby girl but it also reminds us that time is passing and we aren’t with her. We see how much she grows and changes each month and it makes us a little sad. Still a joy…but tempered now that we’ve spent time with her.

We received both her January doctor update and her surprise visit report this morning. The doctor says she is doing well – up to 11lb 15 oz at 4 months. And it looks like she got her ears pierced since we last saw her (has it only been a month? it feels like forever since we held her).



I don’t recognize any of the clothing as anything we left (I hate that head band lol) but she looks darling as always. I like this little white dress.



Here’s the smile I love.

Edited to add: Several have asked if we gave permission for her ears to be pierced.  Yes we did.  We knew they might ask permission while we are there so we discussed it before we went.  My stance was that I wouldn’t personally do it so young but since it is a cultural thing there and the foster moms really want to do it as a gift to the babies I was okay with it.  Steve said absolutely not.

The foster mom asked us just after we met Sabrina.  We were both in awe of Sabrina.  Steve was holding her when the foster mom asked and would have agreed to a tattoo if asked.  He even insisted we buy the lavendar jade earrings she is wearing.

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