Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Can’t catch a chickenbussing break


As I was walking into a meeting Tuesday afternoon, my cell phone rang. I saw on the caller ID it was my agency. My first thought? Maybe our social worker interviews in family court got done last week and they were calling to give me the good news. Heh. Silly me.

Apparently Guatemala created a 7th family court room. Great – more social workers to handle the work load. In the long run. In the short run, apparently nothing is happening in that new court yet. Our case was submitted on 12/15 and that it was “shuffled” to the new court on 12/22 but no one from our agency noticed the problem until yesterday. So, we’ve been pulled from that court so that we can be submitted to another one next week and then wait 10 business days after that to be assigned to a social worker in that new court. Us? Screwed. Great that our agency acted on the news. It isn’t their fault that we got put into the new court. But, another 6+ weeks down the tubes with NO MOVEMENT ON OUR F*CKING CASE. Not one damn thing has happened with our case since DNA was taken on 10/4.  Sabrina will be over 5 months old before the possibility of the social worker interview even happening – let alone the weeks of waiting for the report before we are out of family court.

I am so sad. I just want her home. I just want one f*cking thing in this process to go smoothly. I was hoping we would get out of family court the week my mom and I are visiting. That hope is shot to hell…

“Straw? Hi, this is the camel’s back…”

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