Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Smile with a little help from my friends


I went back to work today. It was a long day. I would be doing fine – just catching up on email and voicemail from my absence (between Guatemala, conferences, and my dad, I’ve only been in the office 1 day this month). Then someone would stop by to say they were sorry about my dad. When I am struggling to deal with something, I am usually okay until someone offers my sympathy – that tends to be when I break down. So I would start to tear up and we would all pretend I wasn’t. I basically hid in my cubicle all day. Then I noticed when I left work it was dark already – that always puts me in a foul mood. Thankfully it starts getting better after tomorrow. I drove to the UPS store to mail a package to my mom and waited in line for 35 minutes. The UPS store clerks all hate me because we’ve used them for notary services and I’m always making them sign things 3 times before I’ll accept them. I drove home feeling down. But as I walked up on the porch what did I find?


A huge thank you to some of my agency friends: Angie, Michelle, Sig, Julie, Vicki, Tricia, Lisa, Kendra and Kelly. It really brightened my day (and my mood). Who knew the internet would provide me with such a wonderful support system? You ladies are awesome!

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