Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Blog pals have been sent


We sent out the blog pals a few minutes ago.  I matched everyone randomly – based on the order your email were received.  So the first person is the pal for the second and the second person is buying for the third and so on.  (It was hard!  So many I people I thought it would be fun to send gifts to and receive gifts from…but I kept it random.)  If you signed up and didn’t receive an email, please let me know – your spam filter may not like the yahoo address or something.  I can resend it.  Or if you can’t open the attachment (which is the email that your pal sent to sign up) let me know that as well and I can copy and paste it.

Just a note to my pal (you don’t know who you are…but I’ll say it anyway), I will be out of town until 12/13 so I won’t get anything out to you until I’ve returned from Guatemala.  But I’m already thinking about it…

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