Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Have you voted yet? Well go do it…I’ll wait…


For those of you who have voted, do you have any idea how early I had to get up and out of the house so that the polls would be open at 7am?  Sheesh.  I’m a roving technician for the day.  (Scary, huh?  They made a bunch of social workers and bureaucrats technicians for the new machines.) 

I’m glad to report all of my polls except one were open and ready to go on time.  And the one that was late was open and ready by 3 minutes after 7am.  And it wasn’t open on time because the poll worker is a moron.  The machines have big bright yellow stickers on one machine that say “Last Machine.  Open this machine LAST.”  When you open the doors, there are more stickers that say “Last machine.  Open this machine LAST.”  What does the moron do (and mind you…he doesn’t have the excuse of being an elderly gentleman and not familiar with computers – he was about 40)?  He opens the last machine first.  He calls the help center in a panic after he opens all of the machines backwards.  I get there and he says to me “I guess that was my fault.  I probably shouldn’t have opened that one first.  I went to the training 6 times, you would think I would have gotten it.”  Ummm…yeah, you would think.  But even if the training didn’t clue you in – maybe the sticker would have helped?  But we got it all squared away almost on time.

The moral of the story?  I had to get out of bed really freaking early today and deal with morons. The least you can do to show your appreciation is to do your civic duty and vote.

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