Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

First boo boo


Sorry if anyone misunderstood – I have no intention of not blogging in some form. Just trying to figure out what the point of my blog is. For now? The point is what ever I feel like rambling about on that particular day. Thank you all for the love. It is nice to hear from those of you who visit me and to know that you want to keep visiting my weird little corner of blog world.

Okay, onward. *Putting in my mommy blogger hat.* Sabrina had her first American doctor appointment today. I love the pediatrician that was recommended to us (thanks Melany!). He has worked with over 300 internationally adopted children so I didn’t have to educate him which was nice. He sat down and spent time talking to me about Sabrina (30 solid minutes – rare for doctors in my experience). He answered my questions and asked some of his own. I left feeling very good about him being Sabrina’s doctor.

The doctor confirmed that Sabrina is very healthy and right on target developmentally. She is in the 11%tile for weight (a petite 17 lbs, 14oz), 12%tile for height (27.5 inches), and 24%tile for head circumference. He wasn’t concerned about her being at the low end of the American chart – he said that would put her smack dab in the middle/average area of the Guatemalan growth charts.

She had a TB test today and got one vaccination that they don’t do in Guatemala. She was a total champ through the whole appointment. She didn’t even flinch at the TB test. She cried for about 30 seconds after her shot and gave the nurse her pouty lip but otherwise was fine. I don’t know how we got so lucky to have a child with such a wonderful disposition.

One thing I found slightly odd, I know that at 1 babies can start drinking milk rather than formula. I just assumed that we would gradually wean her off formula and on to milk. The doctor said unless she throws a fit, just quit formula cold turkey and start giving her the same amount of milk instead. Is this how everyone does it? I guess it just feels very arbitrary. “It is September 4th. Throw out the formula. Bring on the milk.”

posted under family
17 Comments to

“First boo boo”

  1. On August 4th, 2007 at 6:58 am Bobbi Says:

    I am keeping an eye on these comments too. We don’t see our ped. again until about two weeks after he turns 1. So, this is a good question! thanx for asking it.

  2. On August 4th, 2007 at 7:04 am Alleen Says:

    We went cold turkey and Gabriella never missed a beat.

  3. On August 4th, 2007 at 8:19 am Lisa Says:

    Our International adoption ped. told us that we could stay on formula til 15 months if we wanted. We chose to wean him off last month since we had so much formula left. We did it over the course of two weeks. What she did say was at 1 was get rid of the bottles. Transition to the sippy cup is not going well at all.

  4. On August 4th, 2007 at 10:40 am karen Says:

    I finished what formula I had and then switched. We had no problems with it.

  5. On August 4th, 2007 at 12:39 pm Kelly Says:

    With Kathelyn I just dumped the formula cold turkey. I still give her a formula bottle at night as it is comforting for her. But during the day, she didnt care at all about switching to milk or sippy cups cold turkey. Good luck.

  6. On August 4th, 2007 at 12:51 pm Nikki Says:

    With Olivia I gradually weaned her. However she still does get 1 formula bottle at night, she’s a bad eater so at least I know she’s getting some vitamins in her. I think it’s just whatever you are comfortable doing.

  7. On August 4th, 2007 at 3:51 pm Lou Says:

    Welcome to the south……you may be hating it now, but the winters make up for it!!!!! Nice ALL the time! When my boys turned 1 we went right off formula. They both did great!w

  8. On August 4th, 2007 at 7:41 pm Deb Says:

    I switched AIdan cold turkey at about 3.5 weeks home. I had tryed the gradual thing early one, but he had some intestinal discomfort. But I forgot to get more NIDO from the hispanic grocery store and one morning there was nothing but milk to give him. No issues, he loves it.

    Caveat though- he was 22 months old at the time. He remains on whole milk right.

    Love to you,
    Momma Bug