Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Results are in…


The official results of my unofficial poll regarding colors for Sabrina’s nursery are as follows:

Coral/Yellow = 13

Periwinkle/Aqua = 18

Write ins = 2

Undecided = 1 (thanks P)

So, Periwinkle/Aqua wins. That is actually my favorite of the choices. Steve likes the Coral/Yellow. He’s a big fan of lots of color. He told me I can play the wife card and choose which ever I want. I’m still not sure. I like both and I really appreciate the fact that he cares. He actually spent 45 minutes looking at paint swatches with me trying to find the right colors. That gets big brownie points in my book. Most husbands would say “What ever you want dear”. While that sounds nice sometimes, I love that he wants to be involved in these decisions. I don’t want to discount or discourage his opinion. And I like what he chose…so I’ll think on it a little more and share the colors chosen during the big reveal.

Now make sure you get out and vote for real tomorrow.

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