Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Plethora of good stuff


In the DNA excitement yesterday, I didn’t mention that it was our anniversary. I have to say it was a very nice anniversary. No gifts were exchanged. No candlelit dinner in a romantic restaurant. No roses or champagne. But honestly? It was wonderful. We grilled some steaks, had a nice loaf of bread and a little cake. Then we booked tickets to Guatemala to visit our daughter.

Many of you have asked if and when we were planning to visit. I answered several of you individually but hadn’t addressed it here yet. I was afraid to book tickets until after the DNA was done. I’m not worried about the results – I was only worried that Sabrina’s birth mom would take one look at her and not be able to give her up. We agreed that once we got news DNA was done we would book tickets for our visit. On December 6th we are leaving on a jet plane! (Tonya – I think of you every time I use that phrase.) I was so nervous/excited when I was booking the tickets that I think I threw up a little in my mouth.

AND (yes, the good news just keeps on coming) I woke up this morning to not one but 2 sets of new photos! Our agency does a scheduled monthly foster home visit and an unannounced visit to the foster home about every 6 weeks. I was so excited! Three sets up of photos in 2 days! The only downside is that now I know there won’t be any new photos for awhile because they all came at once. The only thing I have to look forward to in the near future is the doctors visit update.

I’m posting this from work so I can’t include any new photos now. I’ll post them later this evening. (Quit your complaining…I can’t see them right now either!) And thank you all for the input regarding Sabrina’s middle name yesterday. It was much appreciated. (Conversation in 10 years: “Mommy, how did you and daddy choose my name?” “Well darling, it was done by blog committee.” Heh…that should buy me a couple of therapy sessions.)

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