Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

All about my feet


My trip has been nice and relaxing so far.  Strangely, I have to say it has largely revolved around my feet.  It started with the spa pedicure.  I enjoyed the pedicure but the woman cut the nails on my big toes so short that I can already feel ingrown toenails beginning to be sore.  Lovely.  After my pedicure, we walked around Rice Village for hours and my feet started to get very tired and hot.  It rained and then the sun came out – ya’ll, it’s freaking hot down here.  Today, we went to lunch and then shoe shopping (as I mentioned, my DSW closed so we visited the one here).

I have a few photos I will share once I return home but nothing too exciting.  Speaking of photos, I’ve spent much time staring at the photos of our little one.  And have I mentioned her name?  I’m so scattered I have no idea if I have or not.  Her name will be Sabrina.  Middle name still in negotiation.

Tomorrow?  Church with mom.  Hope lightening doesn’t strike.

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