Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Good riddance


This is the last I will ever have to see of this m*ther f*cking dossier. The 3 envelopes you see are leaving my hands in the morning, never to return. The contents of these 3 envelopes have consumed my thoughts (and my dining room table) for the past 4 months. The first is going to the courier who will take everything to DC for authentication. She will then mail it directly to my agency rep. The second is holds items which do not require certification or authentication (photos of us, photos of house, copies of passports, I600s and G28s). The third goes to our agency office. It holds a check and DNA authorization.

Most people talk about being afraid of letting their dossier out of their sight after all of the effort put into it. I do have a small amount of anxiety about that because if the large envelope was lost I would have to hunt down the FedEx individuals responsible and torture them extensively. But mostly, I can’t wait to get them out of my house and out of my life. Bitter? Yeah, a bit. I never dreamed 17 documents could cause so much drama in my life. I’m not ready to celebrate until it has all been reunited with my agency rep who will review and send it on to Guatemala. That day? I see many large, potent drinks in my hand.

A huge thank you to Kendra for helping me with the last pieces. She was kind enough to take them with her to Harrisburg for certification. (Lucky dog, she was there having her power of attorney certified after the referral of her beautiful son last weekend.) Congrats and thanks again!

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