Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Retiring the Adoption Box


I started using this lovely little file box, dubbed the Adoption Box (no Amy, I never did get around to decorating it with glitter or magazing cut outs). It then began spilling out of the adoption box. It took over my dining room table (and my life in many ways). But since I’ve mailed my dossier off to various parts of the country, to hopefully be reunited and dispatched to Guatemala soon, I’ve reclaimed my dining room table. It’s all nice and clean and lovely.

And after I cleaned off the table, I put the remnants of our paper chase back into their nice neat little folders and put the folders back into their nice neat little Adoption Box.

It looks easily tamed when put back into the nice little box. Now I’m not sure what I should worry and obsess about. I’m certainly expending a little bit of energy worrying that the pieces of our dossier all end up in the places and come back together again. But other than that? I feel pretty good. I’m starting to look forward to going on The List to get The Call. (For those not currently pursuing adoption, I’ll translate. The List is what we all strive for during the paper chase. The List is the official waiting list at your agency – the list off of which they make The Calls. The Call is what we all hold our breath for…it is the phone call that changes your life. It is when some wonderful person at your agency calls to tell you that you have a daughter or a son. The Call is when you get all of the yummy details about your little one. Then you wait for The Email. The Email is when you finally get to see your little one’s face.) But, I know it will be 10 days or so before we are on The List. And several weeks after that before we can begin to anticipate The Call. I’ll have to find something to talk about during this adoption down time. So any burning questions, ask them now and I’ll work them into a post over the next several non-eventful weeks. Have a wonderful Saturday!

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