Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Hi Ho Hi Ho


I am not happy with my job. It sounded pretty good on paper…and had the possibility of being decent but due to many things (mostly politics), it sucks. When I first moved here, I decided to take some classes and become a certified paralegal. This made sense to me because I’ve always loved the law (I was originally headed to law school after college but got side tracked by my love of social work) and because I wasn’t sure how easily I could break into social work in a city where I didn’t know the politics and didn’t have my rolodex (social workers live and die by their contacts – can’t get things done if you don’t know people). I had also just come off a job where billing hours were more important than client needs and I have trouble functioning in that type of environment. I had no desire to head to law school at this late date – I’m at a different place in my life and didn’t want a career (or classes) that would take over my life. I completed the classes never knowing if I would ever use the certification or not. It would mean starting over career-wise.

Now here I am. I am in a job which looks great on my resume and pays me the first decent wage I’ve made as a social worker. But I hate it. I shuffle papers, soothe egos and attend meetings. I don’t really help anyone directly. The results of my job will benefit a good number of kids but I believe I’ve already got the most beneficial piece of my project in place. I find myself surfing job ads every Sunday. I am tempted to send my resume out for an entry-level paralegal position. I just can’t seem to make up my mind about whether or not to do it. Here are my dilemnas:

1) Is it wrong to seek and accept a full time position knowing that I will likely be leaving it in the next 9 months to be a stay at home mom? (I say yes, Steve says no.)
2) I would be starting a job with no vacation time but I fully intend to travel to Guatemala to visit the baby for a week this winter and another week after the holidays. I would be willing to take the time un-paid but employers tend to hate that.
3) I might leave something I hate but I know for something new that makes me even more miserable.
4) I would have to amend adoption paperwork to reflect a new job, wouldn’t I? (UGGHH!)
5) I would be leaving this job before it was done. I hate to leave without seeing it through even though I’m not happy with the job.
6) Taking a pay cut right now seems stupid.
7) The adoption is my primary reason for hesitation. What if I decide to stick it out and this adoption stretches out months longer than I anticipated. Then I will kick myself for not making the move now. Can I make plans based on a time line that isn’t even close to set in stone?

Those are my major reservations about looking for a new job. I put it to you, my wise on-line friends, for some thoughts. Seriously, I need some input here from impartial parties.

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