Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

The Man Behind the Curtain


Just wanted to pop into Michelle’s blog here and jot a quick note to all of you who support, encourage and share with my wife everyday.

Thank you.

It means a lot to us to know there are others out there who have been through this before, or are going through it now. I know that having the blog as a sounding board has helped Michelle through some of the more harrowing stages of this process. I check in on it every once in a while to see how everyone’s doing (and see what she’s telling you all about me). You are all wonderful people who do not hesitate to share your wisdom, your humor and your empathy when it’s needed.

I am an extremely lucky man to have this amazing woman as my wife, and she is lucky to have all of you to share with.

p.s. For any Steelers fans out there, I recently got a chance to go to training camp for the VIP experience. Check out the photos I posted on my blog. It was sweeeeeeeeet. Max Starks is giant human being, too. Props to my man Dave for getting Rich and me some tickets.

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