Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

I got nothin’


Thanks to everyone for the input on the job situation. I’m still undecided what to do. Part of me echoes what several of you said – life is too short to hate what you do 8 hours a day. And the unending wait for a referral and the delays in PGN make me feel even more hopeless about ever getting out of this job hell I am living in.** The other part of me agrees with DD that I wouldn’t be much of an employee. I’m still contemplating but I do appreciate the input from everyone.

Also a thank you to Steve for his guest post yesterday. It was sweet to come home and find that. I’m a lucky woman!

Still no adoption news. I haven’t seen any new referrals from my agency since the 3 last week. That means in the 2 weeks we’ve been on the waiting list, only 3 referrals have been given out. Sigh…I try not to think of it very much because it makes me very sad. When we initially finished our dossier, the adoption felt more real to me. I could finally start to believe that it was going to happen – we were going to have a family. Only 2 weeks later it is feeling more distant that ever. I know it will happen eventually – it just feels like eventually is a lot further off than ever before. So I try really hard not to think about it too much but I check my agency’s message board 4 or 5 times a day to see if anyone has announced a new referral. The good news is, with the exception of my dad, no one has been asking if I’ve heard anything yet. I think the dejected look on my face the first time they asked made them all fearful of asking again.

** Note to the grammar police: I am aware that it is still largely considered incorrect to end a sentence with a preposition but it is too formal to say “in which I live”. My blog, my rules. (See how I fragmented that sentence? I’m a rebel that way.) Seriously though, feel free to correct mistakes you think are not intentional. I certainly have my fair share of blonde moments. (Like when I say Stephanie is adopting a frat boy from Columbia rather than a baby from Colombia.)

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