Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Just call me an ostrich


I know the earlier entry was cryptic. (Geesh, did you all lose your decoder rings? It meant “Drink more Ovaltine”.) Thank you for your concern – I didn’t mean for any of you to worry about me. It wasn’t about me. My adoption is still moving forward and nothing has changed in my status to my knowledge.

On a happier note, there were 8 referrals at our agency this weekend so there are 8 very happy families out there.

On an even happier note, my friend Alleen practically sailed through the process (although I am sure it felt like a snail’s pace to her) and is OUT of PGN* and hoping to receive PINK** soon so she can go pick up her princess. She has agreed to take down a pre-referral Ziploc to Guatemala for us so it will be there waiting to go to our baby when we receive a referral. I put in a couple of onesies, a cute little dress, a little stuffed elephant that plays a tune and colorful links/keys that attach to a ring.

And on an ever happier note, it is wonderful to find out who your friends are in this scary internation adoption world! (You all rock!)

*PGN is the Guatemalan equivalent of the attorney general’s office. That office must do the final sign off on all adoption files.

**Pink is when you receive your embassy appointment to go pick up your baby’s visa and passport (issued on a pink slip hence the name). When you receive pink, all that is left is to go pick up your baby then take him or her HOME! (Well okay, that’s an over-simplification but you are home free then. Well not free, nothing is free in adoption-land. There is a fee for the visa and other things.)

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