Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Mover or Non-Mover?


I don’t like to re-arrange furniture. Partially because I am too damn lazy and partially because I put it where I liked it in the first place. It looks fine, leave it the chickenbus alone. Steve? Loves to move around the furniture. He has been inspired by the new carpet to re-arrange things. This wouldn’t be so bad if our entire house didn’t need access to various outlets and wires. He put the TV on the other side of the room. (Our living room is rather small and configured weird so it’s difficult to arrange.) That means that we have to string cable across the living room and hope that the wireless stuff for the TiVo still “sees” the router in the other room to get a signal. This configuration put the couch smack dab in front of the radiator and the large window. I’m concerned that will mean the room will feel colder (since the radiator is blocked) in the winter and the couch will fade from being in direct sun. He wanted to flip the family room around too but that would have meant his computer and the server have to find a home on the other side of the room where there are significantly fewer outlets.

I’ve noticed most people tend to fall into one camp or the other: mover or non-mover. My sister? Mover. She doesn’t tend to do the moving herself (she makes her hubby do it) but her living room is in a new configuration every time I visit. My mom? Non-mover. I remember the living room furniture being rearranged once in the first dozen years of my life – otherwise it all remained pretty much the same. My step mother would be a mover but my dad is a non-mover and gets really grumpy when she changes things. So which are you? Do you like something new or status quo?

It looks nice and is comfortable Steve’s way. Overall, I probably like it as well or better than the original set up. Still concerned about that radiator behind the couch though. (Pretend you don’t see the awful coffee table. It’s left from Steve’s bachelor days. It will be finding a new home soon.)

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