Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

The One Where We Choose The Paint Colors


Steve and I spent some time in front of the paint swatches discussing what color the future nursery should be. I lobbied for periwinkle. I lost. Again. I wanted to paint our bedroom periwinkle and lost that one too. When I say the word periwinkle, Steve has no idea what I’m talking about. But when I show it to him, he turns up his nose. He was lobbying for pink. Awful pepto and/or baby pinks. I have a feeling that around age 5, our daughter will make her own strong case for Barbie pink in her room. When she is able to say to me “Mommy, please, I want Barbie pink walls” then I will most likely swallow the bile rising in my throat and paint her walls Barbie pink. But now? She will be too young to care so I veto Barbie pink. After much discussion, we finally found paint that we both like (although not as much as the periwinkle). The future nursery has an odd shape. There is one long wall (it’s shaped like a P only not rounded…the long wall is the stem of the P – old house…the bedrooms are shaped weird). The long wall will be this pink color (very non-Barbie) and the rest will likely be the yellow. The green probably won’t be seen again after this paint chip. It’s kind of exciting. We are going to have a nursery in the house someday in the near future. And no, I don’t have a “theme” picked out. I’m not really a theme kind of girl. I don’t do matchy-matchy without retching. I think it is adorable when I see others do it – just not for me. Although I am rather partial to Winnie the Pooh (old style) so I wouldn’t be surprised to a see a bit of repetition in that area pop up. But there are so many cute and colorful things out there…how does anyone ever choose?

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