Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Progress Update


Just thought I would let everyone know where things stand on the adoption front. Not a lot of movement right now – just waiting. We finally got Steve’s birth certificate today. We have only 3 things left to collect to complete our gathering of papers.
– Witness letters
– State Police Clearance letters (mailed in the forms last week)
– FBI Clearance letters (mailed in Saturday…however discovered last night there was an error on Steve’s form so not sure how long it will take to rectify that)

Once we get those things, we’ll submit all of our paperwork to the Secretary of State for certification. We are also waiting for the notarized copy of our home study so we can make our appointment to submit the I600A and get our USCIS fingerprints taken.

So, that’s where we stand. Waiting…

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