Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Last “easy” beach trip


Every year, a group of us head to the Outer Banks, NC for a week. We rent a huge house and usually end up with just fewer than a dozen adults and just fewer than a dozen children (the oldest is 7). It’s a very loud week but lots of fun. We are now officially the last childless couple in our group of friends. While it is a little sad to be the last childless couple, there is also some inherent freedom in our status. If it gets too loud in the house, we can leave or go to our room and shut the door. If we don’t feel like going the playground, we don’t. If we want to sleep in, we do. If we want to leave at 4am to beat traffic, there is no little one to disturb and hustle into the car. If we both want to stay up late with the gang, drinking and playing their geek games (oh the games brought out are another post entirely), we can do that without worrying who is going to get up with the kids in the morning. If I want to spend the afternoon reading a book and napping, I can. As crazy as it sounds, we can’t wait to give this up. We are excited that this is our last trip without a child. Next year, we will have to worry about how to entertain our child during the endless drive. Next year, we will gladly go to the playground. Next year, we will join the other parents in planning some fun kid friendly activities. Next year, we will have to pack toys and a high chair and diapers and a video camera. Next year, when we hear a child crying, we will have to listen closely to see if it is our child. Next year, we will look at each other and say…”remember how easy it was last year?”

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