Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

I can’t let go of my political college days completely


As you might have gathered from a previous remark I made disparaging Republicans, I’m a Democrat*. I have friends who are Republicans and I adore them. But when they gather in large numbers and influence policy, I’m not a fan. This article today made my head hurt: http://www.slate.com/id/2141183/?nav=tap3 Why oh why do Republicans insist on ignoring science and scientific processes in order to further their agenda – usually in the name of religion? (Ok, Democrats suck sometimes too…but in general suck less often and they don’t piss me off as much.)

Mr. Republican Senator: “What?!? Scientific studies have shown that abstinence programs in schools don’t work? Studies have shown that giving kids an abstinence-only message and not giving them information about safe sex might be dangerous? Hogwash (because stuffy old Republicans say things like that)…I’m not buying it. You better give a more balanced view (meaning one that ignores your science and supports my beliefs) in that conference or I’m canceling it.”

Hey, as I approach my turn as a parent, I’m all about abstinence for teens. I hear the studies about teens having sex and the huge spike in oral sex among teens and it scares the shit out of me. But, I remember being a teenager and I know 1 thing for sure. Kids need the right information, ALL the right information about sex and being safe. Because some kids are going to have sex and the ones who don’t are going to fool around at least a little bit. Except my daughter. [Shut up all of you…let me have my delusions.]

* Steve is a Libertarian…we debate political issues but since his party has very little influence I don’t bother getting too worked up when we disagree. Besides, Libertarian ideals annoy me less then sanctimonious Republican ideals. I could even agree with them on some issues if they would just dial it back a little bit. I agree that individual liberty is in jeopardy and should be protected but I think that they need to be more realistic about what it means to be part of a society/community.

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